The Smarter Way To Train Jiujitsu
During my years of training I've learned that there will ALWAYS be obstacles that will come along.
Even once you think you have so much of this art figured out, there will be something that will stop you dead in your tracks.
It could be an injury that you feel could have been avoided.
It could be a new strategy you never thought of that's being used against you.
It could just be a rut, you've reached a plateau and just can't seem to get past it.
Now there is a hard way and easy way you can try to work through this.
The hard way is to train even harder all day, stay obsessed, and never give up.
My question is, why struggle when you don't have to? This easier way can help you in all aspects of your training especially when things feel like they're getting dull and repetitive or when things just aren't working.
Obviously, this works or I wouldn't be talking about it.
Here's the short formula: 1.
Realize where you already are.
That is to say, go over what you've already learned, developed and overcome, and realize this hurdle will be overcome as well.
Stop stressing about where you feel stuck, ask your instructor questions about it and play with the answers.
Act on opportunities as they appear.
That's it.
It's useful for those times when you feel stuck and can't seem to get past a certain situation like, let's say you keep getting armbarred from inside your opponents guard and can't decide on what you should be doing.
The bottom-line is this: Detach yourself from what's happening and look for windows of opportunity as they present themselves and act on what appears.
If you have trouble finding opportunities then ask your training partner or your instructor to show you where you're going wrong.
But focus on finding opportunities to disrupt your opponents moves or for you to act and gain the advantage.
This will result in much more productive training.
Let's explore this in depth.
Detach yourself from where you feel stuck and focus in the moment.
It doesn't matter what the situation is.
By doing the right move at the right time you will get past it.
Calmly visualize yourself as successfully accomplishing the move or escape you're looking for, feel as if it is easily achieved.
Act on the opportunities as they appear.
You might see an opportunity to escape or take an advantageous position.
Act on it.
Staying focused in the moment really helps here.
Is that really all there is to it? The basic process is simple.
Let's walk through it: 1.
The reason your are getting stuck is either because you don't have the technique to answer a situation you're in or you have the technique but are not executing it properly or your speed and timing when executing the technique are off.
Ask your instructor to go over your options when you come on this situation, what techniques can you use? What are the exact details? What is the proper timing, feel and execution? 3.
Now pay attention.
As you go on training, pay attention to the opportunities that arise and act on them.
When you find yourself in a given situation look for the exact window of opportunity to use your technique, make sure you have the technique down to be able to execute it properly and make sure you are timing it properly.
You'll need to be able to stay focused and take action.
Take notes on how you perform.
Write down the details, experience them, and then check back in a few weeks and see how you are doing and how far you've come.
Above all, remember to have fun in your training.
This is an important part of staying motivated.
Remember the only difference from your performance and someone else's is the difference in what you are doing and they way you are doing it.
Even once you think you have so much of this art figured out, there will be something that will stop you dead in your tracks.
It could be an injury that you feel could have been avoided.
It could be a new strategy you never thought of that's being used against you.
It could just be a rut, you've reached a plateau and just can't seem to get past it.
Now there is a hard way and easy way you can try to work through this.
The hard way is to train even harder all day, stay obsessed, and never give up.
My question is, why struggle when you don't have to? This easier way can help you in all aspects of your training especially when things feel like they're getting dull and repetitive or when things just aren't working.
Obviously, this works or I wouldn't be talking about it.
Here's the short formula: 1.
Realize where you already are.
That is to say, go over what you've already learned, developed and overcome, and realize this hurdle will be overcome as well.
Stop stressing about where you feel stuck, ask your instructor questions about it and play with the answers.
Act on opportunities as they appear.
That's it.
It's useful for those times when you feel stuck and can't seem to get past a certain situation like, let's say you keep getting armbarred from inside your opponents guard and can't decide on what you should be doing.
The bottom-line is this: Detach yourself from what's happening and look for windows of opportunity as they present themselves and act on what appears.
If you have trouble finding opportunities then ask your training partner or your instructor to show you where you're going wrong.
But focus on finding opportunities to disrupt your opponents moves or for you to act and gain the advantage.
This will result in much more productive training.
Let's explore this in depth.
Detach yourself from where you feel stuck and focus in the moment.
It doesn't matter what the situation is.
By doing the right move at the right time you will get past it.
Calmly visualize yourself as successfully accomplishing the move or escape you're looking for, feel as if it is easily achieved.
Act on the opportunities as they appear.
You might see an opportunity to escape or take an advantageous position.
Act on it.
Staying focused in the moment really helps here.
Is that really all there is to it? The basic process is simple.
Let's walk through it: 1.
The reason your are getting stuck is either because you don't have the technique to answer a situation you're in or you have the technique but are not executing it properly or your speed and timing when executing the technique are off.
Ask your instructor to go over your options when you come on this situation, what techniques can you use? What are the exact details? What is the proper timing, feel and execution? 3.
Now pay attention.
As you go on training, pay attention to the opportunities that arise and act on them.
When you find yourself in a given situation look for the exact window of opportunity to use your technique, make sure you have the technique down to be able to execute it properly and make sure you are timing it properly.
You'll need to be able to stay focused and take action.
Take notes on how you perform.
Write down the details, experience them, and then check back in a few weeks and see how you are doing and how far you've come.
Above all, remember to have fun in your training.
This is an important part of staying motivated.
Remember the only difference from your performance and someone else's is the difference in what you are doing and they way you are doing it.