How to Clean Antique Bedspreads
- 1). Begin by determining if the antique bedspread will remain undamaged during the cleaning process. Ensure that the material is not ripped, torn or fragile. Cotton material is usually safe to wash, but look closely at antique quilts. If quilt patches are made of linen, silk or wool or a mixture of fabrics, consult with an antique textile professional.
- 2). Run a simple color-fast test on the underside or hidden section of the bedspread. Mix a small amount of warm water and mild laundry soap. Use a cotton swab to dab a little of the soapy mixture onto tiny sections of the bedspread. If the swab remains white, you can proceed with the cleaning. If the colors show up on the swab, consult with an antique textile professional.
- 3). If possible, remove any bedspread decorations or trimming. Before doing so, take a photo of the bedspread for reference after cleaning as you re-attach the items.
- 1). Prepare a cold water bath. If your antique bedspread material appears sturdy, use a washing machine tub. For delicate material, use a bathtub or laundry tub. Gently lower the bedspread into the water to soak for one or two hours. Avoid using the washing machine cycles or agitating the material in any way.
- 2). After the cold water soak, determine if you want to add an additional soap soak Select a mild liquid laundry soap and gently swirl it into the cold water. Let the bedspread soak for 5 to 10 minutes.
- 3). Rinse the bedspread in cold water according to the condition of the fabric. Pull the bedspread out of the washwater and replace it in clean cold water. Repeat this step several times to rinse out any soap. If your bedspread is made of study material, try spinning the bedspread dry in the washing machine. For delicate fabric, lift the bedspread out and let excess water drain. Avoid wringing or twisting the material.
- 1). Avoid using the dryer, as high heat or tumbling can damage the bedspread material. Prepare a flat surface to dry the bedspread. Set one to three utility tables together, cover with a white cotton sheet and place the bedspread on top.
- 2). Let the bedspread air dry. If the utility tables are in a basement, plan for several days until the fabric has dried. If the utility tables are outside on a warm sunny day, keep the material out of direct sunlight. Cover the bedspread with a second white cotton sheet for additional protection.
- 3). After the bedspread dries completely, display it on your bed. If you need to store it, roll or gently fold the material into archival quality, acid-free tissue paper and paper boxes. Keep the bedspread out of direct sunlight in a cool dry area.
Wet Washing