What Are the Hand Signs for Pitching a Fastball?
- When coaching inexperienced players, work with the catcher to get him comfortable with putting down the right fingers for the pitch called. The signals should be easily visible to the pitcher but protected from the opposing team. The signals are given with the catcher in the squatting position and displayed between the legs while making sure they are up against the catcher's protective cup so they will not be seen by the other team.
- When there is a runner on second base, who can see the signs to a pitcher, protect what pitch you are throwing. One way is to have the catcher display three signals with two of them being fake. The catcher and pitcher decide on which signal is the live one. For example, if the second signal is the live one, and the catcher wants the pitcher to throw a fastball, the catcher could flash two fingers (curve), one finger and then four fingers (change up). Because she has decided the second signal is real, the pitcher knows to throw a fastball.
- As players become more advanced, catchers will call a pitch and then the location where it should be thrown. If there is a right-handed batter up and the catcher wants a fastball on the outside of the plate, he would put down the index finger for the fastball and then tap the inside of his right thigh to indicate where the pitch should be thrown. For an inside fastball to a right-handed batter, the index finger is flashed and then the left thigh is tapped.
- A cathcher touches his arm delivering signals to the pitcher.Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images
Signals from catchers to pitchers do not have to be one for a fastball or two for a curve. They can be customized for every catcher or pitcher. An option is for the catcher touch a piece of her equipment for a pitch and then relay dummy hand signals to a pitcher. Using this set of signals the catcher could simply touch her mask to signify a fastball and then flash two fingers or three fingers to the pitcher, which are fake signs. If you are playing a night game where visibility is not ideal or are convinced the other team has picked up on your signals, use the touching of equipment to disguise pitches.
The Basics
Giving Signals With a Runner on Second Base
Calling Pitch Location
Options for Pitch Signals