Act Today To Save Your Loved Ones Tomorrow
Every month millions of dollars are transferred to State and Government Agencies around the world.
Each State and Federal agency has different guidelines as to when these funds are 'escheated' from the Holders to their custody.
'Holders' may be banks, building societies, insurance companies or any other financial institution with whom a person has deposited funds or assets for safe keeping.
When a person is not in contact with the Holder for a period of a year, the Holder will start the clock running to record how long the account has been "dormant".
When this time reaches the appropriate legal limit for that type of asset the Holder will pass the asset over to the State.
This process of passing over the asset is called 'escheating'.
This process will operate at any time that someone's property or money lays dormant for a given number of years, or because the holder is known to have reached 100 years of age without making a claim for it and they cannot be contacted at their last known address.
This then makes the State the legal custodian of the funds until the owner or heir comes forward and lays claim to it.
Current estimates, and they are just estimates, are that there is over $400 billion in unclaimed assets owed to the public in America, which they say means money is owed to nine out of every ten Americans!In the UK, London's Financial Times reported there to be a "sea of unclaimed assets sloshing around the financial system," very conservatively estimated in 1999 to be worth £77 billion.
In Australia the estimated amount of unclaimed money and assets being held by Government agencies is in excess of $38 billion, so as you can see the problem of unclaimed assets is world-wide and an ever increasing one.
How Can I Locate Unclaimed Assets That Are Due To Me? You can hire the services of claim finder organizations, which will charge you a fee or a percentage of the amount they recover or alternatively you can do the research yourself by trolling through a wide variety of some of which will enable you to carry out the search for free, but most others will make a charge - especially the reliable ones, and that's the first thing you are going to discover - such databases are only as good as the data that has been sent to them.
So just because you don't find anything on that database it does not mean that there is nothing out there waiting for you.
It just means that you roll up your sleeves, get another coffee and start looking at another one.
How Can I Prevent My Assets Being Claimed BY The State? There is only one way to prevent this happening to you and that is to keep an up-to-date list of all your family's assets, as and when you add to them.
This may sound like quite a chore but it need not be, and I bet by now that you can see that it's really the only way to make sure that your own assets never become unclaimed.
Assuming you do this, you are part way there to protecting your assets.
But what then do you do with the list to make sure that you don't lose that? And also what if you have some assets set up in secret; do you really want to put them on a list that you are keeping at home? This is a serious matter, because, the other thing to remember is that your home is not always the safe and secure place that you would like it to be.
Just think about how many houses got completely destroyed by acts of nature like tornadoes, earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and forest fires, in recent years, and that's without even worrying about plain old burglary!If your house was one of them how would you go about recreating this list, let alone being able to make a proper insurance claim without omitting something of importance and value.
So what should you do? This is where the revolutionary 'Guardian Network' comes in.
This remarkable system makes unclaimed money a thing of the past, by making sure it never becomes unclaimed in the first place.
This system provides the ultimate means to ensure that not only do people always know where their assets are located, so too will their significant others if and when they need to.
The Guardian Network stores not only location information but has the means to store copies of vital documents too.
This means that a person's accounts will never become dormant and their assets never go unclaimed.
No need for people to worry their hard earned cash will ever be funding state programs or their other assets will be sold off on eBay.
This is a one-stop asset locator service at its best.
Each State and Federal agency has different guidelines as to when these funds are 'escheated' from the Holders to their custody.
'Holders' may be banks, building societies, insurance companies or any other financial institution with whom a person has deposited funds or assets for safe keeping.
When a person is not in contact with the Holder for a period of a year, the Holder will start the clock running to record how long the account has been "dormant".
When this time reaches the appropriate legal limit for that type of asset the Holder will pass the asset over to the State.
This process of passing over the asset is called 'escheating'.
This process will operate at any time that someone's property or money lays dormant for a given number of years, or because the holder is known to have reached 100 years of age without making a claim for it and they cannot be contacted at their last known address.
This then makes the State the legal custodian of the funds until the owner or heir comes forward and lays claim to it.
Current estimates, and they are just estimates, are that there is over $400 billion in unclaimed assets owed to the public in America, which they say means money is owed to nine out of every ten Americans!In the UK, London's Financial Times reported there to be a "sea of unclaimed assets sloshing around the financial system," very conservatively estimated in 1999 to be worth £77 billion.
In Australia the estimated amount of unclaimed money and assets being held by Government agencies is in excess of $38 billion, so as you can see the problem of unclaimed assets is world-wide and an ever increasing one.
How Can I Locate Unclaimed Assets That Are Due To Me? You can hire the services of claim finder organizations, which will charge you a fee or a percentage of the amount they recover or alternatively you can do the research yourself by trolling through a wide variety of some of which will enable you to carry out the search for free, but most others will make a charge - especially the reliable ones, and that's the first thing you are going to discover - such databases are only as good as the data that has been sent to them.
So just because you don't find anything on that database it does not mean that there is nothing out there waiting for you.
It just means that you roll up your sleeves, get another coffee and start looking at another one.
How Can I Prevent My Assets Being Claimed BY The State? There is only one way to prevent this happening to you and that is to keep an up-to-date list of all your family's assets, as and when you add to them.
This may sound like quite a chore but it need not be, and I bet by now that you can see that it's really the only way to make sure that your own assets never become unclaimed.
Assuming you do this, you are part way there to protecting your assets.
But what then do you do with the list to make sure that you don't lose that? And also what if you have some assets set up in secret; do you really want to put them on a list that you are keeping at home? This is a serious matter, because, the other thing to remember is that your home is not always the safe and secure place that you would like it to be.
Just think about how many houses got completely destroyed by acts of nature like tornadoes, earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and forest fires, in recent years, and that's without even worrying about plain old burglary!If your house was one of them how would you go about recreating this list, let alone being able to make a proper insurance claim without omitting something of importance and value.
So what should you do? This is where the revolutionary 'Guardian Network' comes in.
This remarkable system makes unclaimed money a thing of the past, by making sure it never becomes unclaimed in the first place.
This system provides the ultimate means to ensure that not only do people always know where their assets are located, so too will their significant others if and when they need to.
The Guardian Network stores not only location information but has the means to store copies of vital documents too.
This means that a person's accounts will never become dormant and their assets never go unclaimed.
No need for people to worry their hard earned cash will ever be funding state programs or their other assets will be sold off on eBay.
This is a one-stop asset locator service at its best.