Fuel Your Soccer Performance - Strength and Conditioning For Soccer in a Single Exercise!
Strength and conditioning for all athletes should be geared towards enhancing total athletic performance.
Soccer is certainly no different and this is why I have included a single exercise for you to include into to your arsenal of strength lifts to take your athleticism and overall soccer performance to the next level.
Read and apply! Kettlebell Thrusters This is a strength and conditioning exercise that is sure to get your attention.
You see if you are going to enhance your performance on the soccer field you have got to be smart about your workouts.
By engaging in lifts and movements that integrate multiple joints you stand to gain much more from your training.
One of the best exercises to help you to do this are kettlebell thrusters.
This particular lift can be done with either a single bell or a pair of bells of moderate resistance.
All you need to make it work is an open floor and the willingness to break a sweat.
To perform the kettlebell thruster you will want to clean and rack the kettlebell or bells to your chest.
Once you reach this point then you are going to perform a front squat while maintaining the balance and position of the kettlebell(s) in front of your body.
Standing with your feet at a shoulder width distance or slightly wider descend into a squat allowing yourself to go deep enough so that your elbow(s) touch the insides of your knees.
This will ensure a quality depth and good range of motion for your squat.
As you come up out of the squat then simply lock out and press the kettlebell(s) overhead in a lock out position.
Once you execute the overhead press simply return the bell or bells to your chest to begin the following squat to start the process all over again.
You will be surprised at just how exerting this lift can be and what it can do for your soccer workouts.
If you haven't already taken the time to integrate kettlebell thrusters and other great kettlebell exercises into your soccer strength workouts then you are cheating yourself.
Anything that is worth it's weight in "gold" takes time.
Remember that most any athlete can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!
Soccer is certainly no different and this is why I have included a single exercise for you to include into to your arsenal of strength lifts to take your athleticism and overall soccer performance to the next level.
Read and apply! Kettlebell Thrusters This is a strength and conditioning exercise that is sure to get your attention.
You see if you are going to enhance your performance on the soccer field you have got to be smart about your workouts.
By engaging in lifts and movements that integrate multiple joints you stand to gain much more from your training.
One of the best exercises to help you to do this are kettlebell thrusters.
This particular lift can be done with either a single bell or a pair of bells of moderate resistance.
All you need to make it work is an open floor and the willingness to break a sweat.
To perform the kettlebell thruster you will want to clean and rack the kettlebell or bells to your chest.
Once you reach this point then you are going to perform a front squat while maintaining the balance and position of the kettlebell(s) in front of your body.
Standing with your feet at a shoulder width distance or slightly wider descend into a squat allowing yourself to go deep enough so that your elbow(s) touch the insides of your knees.
This will ensure a quality depth and good range of motion for your squat.
As you come up out of the squat then simply lock out and press the kettlebell(s) overhead in a lock out position.
Once you execute the overhead press simply return the bell or bells to your chest to begin the following squat to start the process all over again.
You will be surprised at just how exerting this lift can be and what it can do for your soccer workouts.
If you haven't already taken the time to integrate kettlebell thrusters and other great kettlebell exercises into your soccer strength workouts then you are cheating yourself.
Anything that is worth it's weight in "gold" takes time.
Remember that most any athlete can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!