How to Use Home Remedies for Acne
- 1). Gently massage your face with soap for 3 to 5 minutes daily and rinse thoroughly with water. Do this daily to remove excess oil from your skin. Rough scrubbing can spread infection so be sure to rub gently.
- 2). Apply apple cider vinegar, after washing your face, using a cotton pad. It will help dry up the acne much more quickly than washing with soap alone.
- 3). Dab a little clove honey and cinnamon directly on pimples as a home remedy for drying out acne. Do it before you go to bed and rinse off in the morning. Often, you will see results after the first night.
- 4). Make a poultice out of salt and vinegar and apply directly to pimples and blackheads. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
- 5). Split open a clove of fresh garlic and rub it directly on acne. This will help reduce redness and swelling if applied several times a day.
- 6). Add lots of water to your diet. It will hydrate the skin, plump up pores and help flush waste out of your system. Drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day will not only slow down the spread of acne but will improve overall body health.