Is Your Multi Level Product In Demand?
They think the backbone of their network marketing program is the compensation plan. Certainly money is important, but nobody succeeds in their MLM business without a quality product.
One problem that many network marketers do face however is promoting products that are not in demand. A product that is in demand is one that a person would use even if they did not have an MLM business.
The biggest reason that people fail in their MLM business is they do not have an attachment to their product line. They join as a distributor because they are excited about the opportunity to make more money.
The opportunity becomes the primary focus and the product becomes secondary. Certainly you cannot make a lot of money retailing products. You can however create a nice cash flow from those products.
Some distributors will join a network marketing business just so they can buy the products at a discount. Generally these type of distributors stay with the program longer than the person who is only interested in building a business and quits when that does not happen.
So this is why you must decide if your network marketing product is in demand. It is probably in demand if the product is one a person can begin using right away without changing anything in their life.
For example discount shopping cards would be something that would be in demand. People are going to shop every day whether they use a card like this or not. The fact that you offer a discount shopping card helps them save money and does make it a product that's in demand.
Website hosting would be an example of the Internet product that is in demand. You are going to host websites and blogs somewhere on the Internet so it might as well be in your own network marketing business.
One of the hottest network marketing businesses involves domain names. Every website that is hosted needs a domain name so there is a huge market for selling those.
The nice thing about website hosting, and domain names, is a residual income created in the future from these products.
Vitamins and nutritional products are examples of products that are not always in demand. Certainly there are people that take these types of products right now and would be candidates for a network marketing opportunity.
However the majority of people buy their vitamins in a grocery store or Wal-Mart, when they think about it. Purchasing overpriced nutritional supplements is not something they would normally do.
In conclusion the importance of having a MLM product that is in demand cannot be overstated. It will be the backbone of your success and longevity in your network marketing business.