9 Reasons to Use a Freelance Designer
Clients are starting to be more proactive and they realize they need to be positioning themselves ahead of the competition.
Many agencies are suddenly started landing larger projects as a result of this and they need to scale up the team to deliver the work.
The question is, do you start building a team back up, or utilize some of the awesome freelance talent that's out there.
Here's a few reasons why it may be better to use a freelancer designer as opposed to a full time one.
Please note, the following reasons only work if you get the 'right' freelancer.
- It generally works out cheaper to use a freelancer
- No new equipment to buy
- No equipment also means no IT support
- Much less paperwork.
That's good for you and the environment. - No HR complaints.
We all know how they go. - No paying for time wasting standing round the water cooler discussions of last night's episode of 24.
Are we on series 8 yet? - If they don't work, you don't pay them, unlike most employees who you pay whether the workload is there or not.
- If you don't like the way your freelancer works, it's much easier to choose someone different for the next project than it is to fire me
- You want the work doing and it gets done.
There's no hand holding required