6 Methods That Help You Stop Snoring Without Medication
Snoring occurs when you fail to pass air freely through your nose and mouth during sleep.
This condition happens due to the narrowing of the airway which can be caused by the abnormalities of the tissues in your throat, poor sleeping position, and other triggering factors.
Snoring can be in the form of soft purring to a loud thundering noise.
While snoring is a common condition that affects 40% of men and 25% of women, it can lead to more serious problems whether medically or socially.
To prevent this problem, here are some helpful methods you can try.
Changing sleep position Your chance of snoring is greater if you sleep on your back because your tongue and soft palate will drop to the back wall of the throat hence narrowing the airway.
Sleeping on your side can improve the problem.
If you are not used to sleeping on your side, try this simple method: Stick a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas to prevent you from sleeping on your back.
This method can be used until you don't need the ball to help you sleep on your side anymore.
Cut alcohol consumptions Alcohols as well as sedatives are reducing the resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat which increase your chance of snoring.
Avoid drinking alcohol four to five hours before bed time to prevent the problem from worsening.
Lose some weight Overweight people tend to snore more often than those who are in normal weight.
If you notice that you are snoring only when you gain weight, do some diet to return into you normal weight.
When you gain weight, the internal diameter around your neck is squeezed, hence triggering snoring during your sleep.
Clear your airway Nasal passages which are blocked create difficulty in inhalation as well as a vacuum in your throat which is one of the triggers of snoring.
Naturally clear your nose using a neti pot, nasal strips, or nasal decongestant for easier breathing during sleeping.
Use specially designed pillow The special pillow for people with snoring problem helps elevating your head four inches than usual.
This method is aimed at creating easier breathing as well as preventing the tongue and jaw from blocking the airway by moving them forward.
You can still do this method with your regular pillow, but the special pillow will ensure you no crimped muscles when you wake up.
Maintain the humidity of your bedroom Dry air irritates the membranes in your nose and throat, hence making you snore.
Prevent this by keeping the bedroom air moist using a humidifier.
This condition happens due to the narrowing of the airway which can be caused by the abnormalities of the tissues in your throat, poor sleeping position, and other triggering factors.
Snoring can be in the form of soft purring to a loud thundering noise.
While snoring is a common condition that affects 40% of men and 25% of women, it can lead to more serious problems whether medically or socially.
To prevent this problem, here are some helpful methods you can try.
Changing sleep position Your chance of snoring is greater if you sleep on your back because your tongue and soft palate will drop to the back wall of the throat hence narrowing the airway.
Sleeping on your side can improve the problem.
If you are not used to sleeping on your side, try this simple method: Stick a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas to prevent you from sleeping on your back.
This method can be used until you don't need the ball to help you sleep on your side anymore.
Cut alcohol consumptions Alcohols as well as sedatives are reducing the resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat which increase your chance of snoring.
Avoid drinking alcohol four to five hours before bed time to prevent the problem from worsening.
Lose some weight Overweight people tend to snore more often than those who are in normal weight.
If you notice that you are snoring only when you gain weight, do some diet to return into you normal weight.
When you gain weight, the internal diameter around your neck is squeezed, hence triggering snoring during your sleep.
Clear your airway Nasal passages which are blocked create difficulty in inhalation as well as a vacuum in your throat which is one of the triggers of snoring.
Naturally clear your nose using a neti pot, nasal strips, or nasal decongestant for easier breathing during sleeping.
Use specially designed pillow The special pillow for people with snoring problem helps elevating your head four inches than usual.
This method is aimed at creating easier breathing as well as preventing the tongue and jaw from blocking the airway by moving them forward.
You can still do this method with your regular pillow, but the special pillow will ensure you no crimped muscles when you wake up.
Maintain the humidity of your bedroom Dry air irritates the membranes in your nose and throat, hence making you snore.
Prevent this by keeping the bedroom air moist using a humidifier.