Honest Answers About How To Reverse Heart Disease
How to reverse heart disease is an important topic that has never been more relevant than it is today. Sure, people have always been susceptible to having "The Big One" in the words of a famous 1970s comic, but today the numbers are escalating like never before. Some experts link this rise to an increase in cigarette smoking, especially highly populated Asian countries while other tend to believe it is the spread of fast food around the globe that has ultimately forced us to seek information on how to reverse heart disease. Whatever the reason, in this article I will try to provide you with a few helpful ideas on how to reverse heart disease.
Before we get started it is important to point out that around one percent of the population worldwide has inherited a gene that causes their liver to produce cholesterol non-stop. If you fall into this category the suggestions listed in this article may not be enough to stem the flood of cholesterol pouring into your bloodstream and you should consult your doctor about possible options. Now why don't we get started with few idea on how to reverse heart disease.
*Watch what you eat: For the many people with heart disease this is perhaps the most difficult to master. Sure you will be hearing experts talk about all things in moderation, and its okays to eat stick butter and fried foods every now and then. But from my experience with delicious high fat foods the moderation approach simply doesn't work. Typically foods you like that much are extremely challenging to consume in moderation.
The most important artery clogging fat to stay away from is saturated fat. It is everywhere! It is in desserts and treats, fried foods, meats, canned chili and luncheon loafs, and some of our favorite snack foods. If you are going to reverse heart disease saturated fat must be placed atop your enemies list. According to the American Heart Association a heart healthy diet contains no more than 10 percent saturated fat. Putting this in perspective one small serving of cheddar cheese contains 27 percent saturated fat.
*Don't be inactive: As we move forward in life our responsibilities change. We will work more and probably spend the rest of our time with friends and family. The tendency is to exercise less and become somewhat sedentary, especially as we grow older. Studies show that this cycle is a major contributing factor to heart disease and the activity levels need to become an important part of a person everyday life. By simply walking 30 minutes a day you will be able to lower LDLs (bad cholesterol), raise HDLs, and lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So dust off those walking shoes and hit the trails!
What else should I know about how to reverse heart disease? How to reverse heart disease, in most cases, is about changing old habits, adopting new healthier habits, and enlisting the help of convention medications such as statins or natural cholesterol reducing remedies if needed. Put simply, this basically means finding ways to stay active, increase HDL (good cholesterol) while decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol levels), and bring overall cholesterol down to acceptable heart healthy levels. Certainly the aforementioned statin drugs will be one of your options but they do carry a number of serious label warnings. The side effect risks have made the idea of implementing a natural cholesterol reduction supplement along with diet modification a safe and effective two step approach worth considering.
Before we get started it is important to point out that around one percent of the population worldwide has inherited a gene that causes their liver to produce cholesterol non-stop. If you fall into this category the suggestions listed in this article may not be enough to stem the flood of cholesterol pouring into your bloodstream and you should consult your doctor about possible options. Now why don't we get started with few idea on how to reverse heart disease.
*Watch what you eat: For the many people with heart disease this is perhaps the most difficult to master. Sure you will be hearing experts talk about all things in moderation, and its okays to eat stick butter and fried foods every now and then. But from my experience with delicious high fat foods the moderation approach simply doesn't work. Typically foods you like that much are extremely challenging to consume in moderation.
The most important artery clogging fat to stay away from is saturated fat. It is everywhere! It is in desserts and treats, fried foods, meats, canned chili and luncheon loafs, and some of our favorite snack foods. If you are going to reverse heart disease saturated fat must be placed atop your enemies list. According to the American Heart Association a heart healthy diet contains no more than 10 percent saturated fat. Putting this in perspective one small serving of cheddar cheese contains 27 percent saturated fat.
*Don't be inactive: As we move forward in life our responsibilities change. We will work more and probably spend the rest of our time with friends and family. The tendency is to exercise less and become somewhat sedentary, especially as we grow older. Studies show that this cycle is a major contributing factor to heart disease and the activity levels need to become an important part of a person everyday life. By simply walking 30 minutes a day you will be able to lower LDLs (bad cholesterol), raise HDLs, and lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. So dust off those walking shoes and hit the trails!
What else should I know about how to reverse heart disease? How to reverse heart disease, in most cases, is about changing old habits, adopting new healthier habits, and enlisting the help of convention medications such as statins or natural cholesterol reducing remedies if needed. Put simply, this basically means finding ways to stay active, increase HDL (good cholesterol) while decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol levels), and bring overall cholesterol down to acceptable heart healthy levels. Certainly the aforementioned statin drugs will be one of your options but they do carry a number of serious label warnings. The side effect risks have made the idea of implementing a natural cholesterol reduction supplement along with diet modification a safe and effective two step approach worth considering.