Baby's First Birthday Present Ideas From Parent
- Parents typically put a lot of thought into gifts for their child's first birthday.Opening a gift image by from
Baby's first birthday is a memorable and exciting time, especially for parents. They look forward to the growth and the developing personality of their child. Yet, this birthday causes parents to look back at the first year of their child's life, as well as the way the entire family has changed since the birth of the baby. First birthday presents from parents can include memorabilia, toys or something for the future. - Create a DVD from the digital photos and photo prints from baby's first year. A slide show is easy to make at any store's photo kiosk or can be ordered online from a site such as In addition, several videos can be put together on one DVD. One-year-olds can recognize themselves, and family members, in pictures. They will be delighted with watching DVDs about themselves and their family again and again.
- If your family doesn't already have a tradition for children's birthdays, now is a great time to start one. Traditions can be as easy as having a weekly family game night. More adventurous traditions can include taking short get-away trips to petting zoos, science centers and other educational places. If the child has cousins that are far away, start a tradition of visiting more often. A church dedication on or near baby's birthday is a tradition many Christians take part in. Some families set up a time for yearly family photos, since one parent is usually snapping pictures when taking home shots.
- Many parents choose to give their child a sturdy Bible or Bible story book for their first birthday. Some also purchase a Bible to save until the child is older, even until his graduation or wedding day. However, notations and photos of a christening, First Communion, Sunday school plays and samples of the child's artwork can be stored with the Bible to be presented when the Bible is given.
- Some families mark a notch in a doorway in the home to keep track of children's growth. A growth chart can be purchased at children's clothing and furniture shops or online at sites such Parents can also make a growth chart by placing wall stick-ons on a closet door or bedroom wall and fastening a cloth tape measure next to the decorations.
- A first birthday is a good time to begin putting a certain amount into a savings account for your child. Savings bonds and other bonds and certificates are available through your local bank. also offers savings bonds and information about buying and keeping the bonds.
- Parents often have a special toy from their own first year or some time from their childhood that they could pass on to their child. In addition, many toys from the past are available at most toy and discount stores. Another idea from the past is to dress an age-appropriate doll or stuffed bear with a favorite outfit from baby's first year.
My First Year DVD
Begin a Tradition
First Bible
Growing Up Chart
Saving for the Future
From the Past