How to Stop Skipping on an iPod Touch
- 1). Install the latest software updates for iTunes and iPod. Apple releases updates to keep your devices running properly and to address known issues.
- 2). Compress your audio files before loading them onto your iPod. Your iPod has a skip protection feature that works best with compressed files. Larger files take up more room in your iPod's cache and cause the hard drive to work more often.
- 3). Avoid shaking or jarring the iPod. Movement while the hard drive is working is a cause of skipping.
- 4). Check the current songs to ensure the files are not damaged. If a specific song skips, delete and reload the song. If uploading a song from a CD, check the disc for scratches or dirt prior to loading it.
- 5). Reset your iPod touch by turning it off then on again. This sometimes corrects any abnormal behavior.
- 6). Restore your iPod touch as a last resort. Restoring resets your iPod to factory settings and all songs and files are erased. This is why regular backups of your files are important. For instructions on restoring your iPod, visit