Do Dependent Children's Social Security Benefits Increase After Remarriage?
- A dependent child can be a survivor of a deceased parent or a child of a retiree or a disabled parent. A child who receives Social Security benefits as a survivor of a deceased parent might reside with a living parent. As well, the child might live with a divorced parent and receive Social Security benefits from the disabled or retired parent. If the parent chooses to remarry before the child reaches the legal age of adulthood, Social Security benefits become a concern.
- A parent can receive Social Security benefits for caring for a child under the age of 16, whether the other qualifying parent dies or is disabled or retired. Social Security bases benefits on the deceased, older or impaired parent's work history. If the caretaker parent remarries and is under the age of 60, Social Security benefits stop for the parent but continue for the child.
- A parent can receive benefits for childcare until the child reaches the age of 16 or until the parent remarries prior to age 60, or 50 if disabled. A child receives separate benefits to age 18 or 19 unless the child marries. A disabled child can receive benefits for so long as the disability continues if the disability occurs prior to age 22 and if the child does not marry. A parent can receive Social Security benefits for childcare for a disabled child over the age of 16 under some circumstances.
- A parent caring for a child under age 16 receives about 75 percent of the worker's benefit; the child also receives about 75 percent. The parent loses the childcare percentage with early remarriage. The child's benefit continues at about 75 percent until the child reaches 19 years old, if still in high school. If the child marries, benefits stop. If the parent remarries and the new spouse is retired or disabled, the child may qualify for increased benefits based on the new spouse's work history. A minor unmarried stepchild can receive benefits from the stepparent if the stepparent provides more than half of the support for the child, but benefits continue only for so long as the marriage lasts.
Remarried Parent