What Are the Female and Male Infertility Test Procedures?
You may want to go for infertility test if you have been trying to get pregnant without success for over a year.
However, if you suspect you have some medical conditions that are preventing you from getting pregnant, don't delay.
See the doctor right away.
Both you and your partner will have to go for the test to make sure that both of you are fertile.
You may be wondering what you have to go through.
Women and men have to undergo different types of tests.
Female Fertility Test 1.
Cervix Checking - Your cervix is checked for signs of viral and bacteria infection, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasm urealyticum and other pathogens.
Blood Test - Your blood sample will be taken and sent to laboratory for evaluation.
The levels of your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone hormone, extradiol hormone and prolactin hormone will be evaluated to check for any disorders in your eggs, ovulation, thyroid and other reproductive organs.
Your blood sample will also be tested for presence of infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, syphilis and rubella (German Measles) antibody and any immune disorders.
Pelvic Ultrasound Examination - Your doctor will examine your pelvic organs through ultrasound to check for presence of cysts and other fertility problems.
Endometrial Biospy - Your doctor may require to obtain a sample of uterus lining (endometrium) to determine whether ovulation occurs and your progesterone level is adequate.
During this procedure, you may experience some discomfort and cramps.
You may have some slight spotting for a few days after the procedure.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) - This an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes to detect blockage of fallopian tubes and other abnormalities such as fibroids, large polyps, unusually shaped uterus, adhesions.
There may be some discomfort and cramping during the procedure, After HSG, you may have some discomfort, cramps and vagina discharge for a few days.
However, HSG cannot detect small fibroids and polyps.
Hysteroscopy - Your doctor may need to take a close-up look at your uterus and ovaries to detect small fibroids, polyps, adhesions and scar tissue.
These abnormal tissues can be surgically removed under local or general anesthesia.
During the procedure, you may experience discomfort and cramping.
After hysteroscopy, you may also experience discomfort, cramps and vagina spotting.
Laparoscopy - A thin telescope is placed through a small incision in your abdomen so that your doctor can take a clear view of your reproductive organs.
Endometriosis, scarring and adhesions, fibroids, ovarian cysts and blocked fallopian tubes can be detected and treated surgically under general anesthesia during laparoscopy.
You may experience some pain from the surgery, mild nausea, abdomen discomfort and vagina bleeding.
Male Fertility Test Men have to undergo different set of tests to check for any infertility problems.
Blood Tests - Your blood sample is taken to test your levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone and prolactin for any disorders.
Presence of infectious diseases like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), syphilis, hepatitis and certain viruses and bacteria can also be detected.
Urine Analysis - Your urine sample is checked for presence of bacteria, white blood cells and sperm.
If white blood cells are present in your urine, it indicates infection within the urinary tract or prostate gland.
If a large number of sperms are found in your urine, you may have retrograde ejaculation, where the majority of your sperm move into the bladder.
Semen Analysis - A sample of your semen is also taken to evaluate the volume and consistency of your semen and the quantity, shape and motility of your sperm.
Normal volume of semen is 1.
5 to 6 ml per ejaculation.
The consistency of normal semen is thick at the time of ejaculation and becomes more liquid within 30 minutes of ejaculation.
Normal quantity of sperm per ejaculation is greater than 20 million sperm per milliliter or 40 million per ejaculation.
At least 30 percent of your sperm should have normal shape.
The sperm should be able to move forward to the egg.
Your doctor may require some other infertility tests.
Antisperm Antibody (ASA) - Your semen sample can be used to detect antisperm antibody which reacts against your own sperm.
This condition affects your sperm motility.
Hamster Egg Test - Hamster egg is used to test your sperm's ability to penetrate an egg.
Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) And Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) - When you are not producing any sperm although everything is normal, your doctor may recommend this test.
With TESE, a piece of testicle tissue is removed surgically under local anesthesia and the sperm are then extracted from the tissue for further evaluation.
With TESA, the sperm is aspirated from the testicle using a blind needle.
Vasogram - If there is a blockage along your reproductive duct, Vasogram can be used to detect the exact location of the blockage and surgery can be performed.
You and your partner have to support each other while going through infertility test procedures.
It can be tough for you both emotionally and physically.
The infertility costs can add to your burden giving you more stress.
However, you may be able to find out the reasons for infertility after the tests.
Your doctor can then recommend appropriate treatment to solve your infertility problem.
The ability to have your own baby will pay off all your efforts.
However, if you suspect you have some medical conditions that are preventing you from getting pregnant, don't delay.
See the doctor right away.
Both you and your partner will have to go for the test to make sure that both of you are fertile.
You may be wondering what you have to go through.
Women and men have to undergo different types of tests.
Female Fertility Test 1.
Cervix Checking - Your cervix is checked for signs of viral and bacteria infection, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasm urealyticum and other pathogens.
Blood Test - Your blood sample will be taken and sent to laboratory for evaluation.
The levels of your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone hormone, extradiol hormone and prolactin hormone will be evaluated to check for any disorders in your eggs, ovulation, thyroid and other reproductive organs.
Your blood sample will also be tested for presence of infectious diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, syphilis and rubella (German Measles) antibody and any immune disorders.
Pelvic Ultrasound Examination - Your doctor will examine your pelvic organs through ultrasound to check for presence of cysts and other fertility problems.
Endometrial Biospy - Your doctor may require to obtain a sample of uterus lining (endometrium) to determine whether ovulation occurs and your progesterone level is adequate.
During this procedure, you may experience some discomfort and cramps.
You may have some slight spotting for a few days after the procedure.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) - This an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes to detect blockage of fallopian tubes and other abnormalities such as fibroids, large polyps, unusually shaped uterus, adhesions.
There may be some discomfort and cramping during the procedure, After HSG, you may have some discomfort, cramps and vagina discharge for a few days.
However, HSG cannot detect small fibroids and polyps.
Hysteroscopy - Your doctor may need to take a close-up look at your uterus and ovaries to detect small fibroids, polyps, adhesions and scar tissue.
These abnormal tissues can be surgically removed under local or general anesthesia.
During the procedure, you may experience discomfort and cramping.
After hysteroscopy, you may also experience discomfort, cramps and vagina spotting.
Laparoscopy - A thin telescope is placed through a small incision in your abdomen so that your doctor can take a clear view of your reproductive organs.
Endometriosis, scarring and adhesions, fibroids, ovarian cysts and blocked fallopian tubes can be detected and treated surgically under general anesthesia during laparoscopy.
You may experience some pain from the surgery, mild nausea, abdomen discomfort and vagina bleeding.
Male Fertility Test Men have to undergo different set of tests to check for any infertility problems.
Blood Tests - Your blood sample is taken to test your levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone and prolactin for any disorders.
Presence of infectious diseases like human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), syphilis, hepatitis and certain viruses and bacteria can also be detected.
Urine Analysis - Your urine sample is checked for presence of bacteria, white blood cells and sperm.
If white blood cells are present in your urine, it indicates infection within the urinary tract or prostate gland.
If a large number of sperms are found in your urine, you may have retrograde ejaculation, where the majority of your sperm move into the bladder.
Semen Analysis - A sample of your semen is also taken to evaluate the volume and consistency of your semen and the quantity, shape and motility of your sperm.
Normal volume of semen is 1.
5 to 6 ml per ejaculation.
The consistency of normal semen is thick at the time of ejaculation and becomes more liquid within 30 minutes of ejaculation.
Normal quantity of sperm per ejaculation is greater than 20 million sperm per milliliter or 40 million per ejaculation.
At least 30 percent of your sperm should have normal shape.
The sperm should be able to move forward to the egg.
Your doctor may require some other infertility tests.
Antisperm Antibody (ASA) - Your semen sample can be used to detect antisperm antibody which reacts against your own sperm.
This condition affects your sperm motility.
Hamster Egg Test - Hamster egg is used to test your sperm's ability to penetrate an egg.
Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) And Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) - When you are not producing any sperm although everything is normal, your doctor may recommend this test.
With TESE, a piece of testicle tissue is removed surgically under local anesthesia and the sperm are then extracted from the tissue for further evaluation.
With TESA, the sperm is aspirated from the testicle using a blind needle.
Vasogram - If there is a blockage along your reproductive duct, Vasogram can be used to detect the exact location of the blockage and surgery can be performed.
You and your partner have to support each other while going through infertility test procedures.
It can be tough for you both emotionally and physically.
The infertility costs can add to your burden giving you more stress.
However, you may be able to find out the reasons for infertility after the tests.
Your doctor can then recommend appropriate treatment to solve your infertility problem.
The ability to have your own baby will pay off all your efforts.