MRI Tech Salaries in Missouri
- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics includes all radiologic technicians and technologists, such as those specializing in MRI, computed tomography or standard X-rays, in its salary figures for this occupation. The nationwide median salary for these healthcare workers in 2009 was $25.59 per hour, or $53,240 per year. For MRI techs in particular, the nationwide median salary as of March 2011 was $64,616 per year, according to The middle 50 percent of MRI technologists earn $59,110 to $70,032 per year. The top 10 percent have annual salaries of $74,963 and above, and the bottom 10 percent $54,098 and lower.
- Including all types of radiologic technicians, the median salary in Missouri in 2009 was $23.46 per hour, translating to about $48,800 per year, according to the BLS. The middle 50 percent of Missouri radiologic technicians were earning $19.32 to $28.01 per hour, or $40,190 to $58,250 per year. The bottom 10 percent had annual salaries of $33,160 and below, and the top 10 percent $66,880 and higher.
- Location matters when it comes to MRI tech salaries in Missouri, shows The median pay rate is highest in the state's largest city, St. Louis, at $64,229 per year as of March 2011. In contrast, the median salary for MRI techs in Joplin is $51,086. MRI technologists in Springfield have a median wage of $58,155 per year, in Jefferson City $59,059, in Hannibal $59,544 and in St. Joseph $60,544.
- The lowest MRI tech salaries in this group of Missouri cities were in Joplin, where the bottom 10 percent were earning $42,770 per year and less. The highest salaries were in St. Louis, where the top 10 percent were earning $74,514 and higher. For a more representative view of Missouri as a whole, you might look at the cities with salaries between those two extremes. The bottom 10 percent there were earning $48,688 and less, the middle 50 percent $53,199 to $65,619, and the top 10 percent $70,239 and higher.
Nationwide Data
Missouri Radiologic Technicians
MRI Tech Salary Range