Why Does School Label My Child Disabled Or Handicapped?
Everyone is different, each with strengths and weaknesses in different areas of skills or interests.
Since children mature at different rates and different times, educators have to think of what the "average" can do or learn for each grade level.
This does not mean that all or even most children learn what teachers expect of them, but it does mean that they could.
What Is The Difference? The word disabled has two parts: dis- means not and -able means having the power or skill.
So someone who is disabled cannot do something.
Men who return from wars with missing limbs are disabled because they do not have the power or skills to do what they formerly could do.
Handicapped means that someone has a disadvantage, that they are hindered or impeded when they do something.
It does not mean that they are disabled and cannot do.
What Causes The Disabilities Or Handicaps? For each child, it is a different situation.
Sometimes it is the child's biology itself that causes the problems.
Sometimes it is a genetic condition.
Sometimes it was caused during pregnancy or the birth process.
Sometimes the child has a fall or accident.
Those are the reasons for many physical disabilities or handicaps.
Sometimes it is because the child missed some important developmental skill.
Another reason is that the pacing of educational instruction is designed for the average or above learner, not for the slower developing or less-skilled learners.
Why Do Schools Label Children As Disabled? The simple answer is that schools get extra federal money for special education and they must label children according to federal requirements to receive that money.
When children receive special education services, there must be personnel to deliver those services.
The average special education classroom (with up to 35 children directly served) costs approximately $100,000 for a teacher, educational assistants, instructional materials, technology, and administrative support needs.
Does That Mean My Child Cannot Learn? Generally speaking, no; when the child's condition(s) is/are severe, it may mean yes.
Usually it is only a problem when people believe the child cannot learn and don't try to teach him/her differently.
It is also a problem when the child gives up trying, accepts the label and gives the label as an excuse for not doing or even trying.
Then Why Do They Call My Child Disabled Or Handicapped? Teachers teach content and processes according to what the "average" child can do.
When your child does not fit into that narrow "normal" range is, the teacher(s) cannot take time from the group instruction to pace or instruct differently.
Since special education teachers receive training on altering instructional methods and pacing, it is easier (and usually beneficial for most children) to have him/her served in special education.
What Can Parents Do To Help Their Disabled or Handicapped Children? No matter what the condition is, parents can expect their child to learn like others.
Achievement may be at a slower pace even years or even behind the chronically aged peers, but they can learn.
Parents can make accommodations so the child can demonstrate or engage in age-appropriate activities.
Learning how to make accommodations takes practice and cannot be taught through a simple, short article.
Experienced and skilled personnel, such as those available through Parents Teach Kids, can help parents learn how to make accommodations instead of excuses.
Their children can learn, but it may take a little more effort from their parents.
Since children mature at different rates and different times, educators have to think of what the "average" can do or learn for each grade level.
This does not mean that all or even most children learn what teachers expect of them, but it does mean that they could.
What Is The Difference? The word disabled has two parts: dis- means not and -able means having the power or skill.
So someone who is disabled cannot do something.
Men who return from wars with missing limbs are disabled because they do not have the power or skills to do what they formerly could do.
Handicapped means that someone has a disadvantage, that they are hindered or impeded when they do something.
It does not mean that they are disabled and cannot do.
What Causes The Disabilities Or Handicaps? For each child, it is a different situation.
Sometimes it is the child's biology itself that causes the problems.
Sometimes it is a genetic condition.
Sometimes it was caused during pregnancy or the birth process.
Sometimes the child has a fall or accident.
Those are the reasons for many physical disabilities or handicaps.
Sometimes it is because the child missed some important developmental skill.
Another reason is that the pacing of educational instruction is designed for the average or above learner, not for the slower developing or less-skilled learners.
Why Do Schools Label Children As Disabled? The simple answer is that schools get extra federal money for special education and they must label children according to federal requirements to receive that money.
When children receive special education services, there must be personnel to deliver those services.
The average special education classroom (with up to 35 children directly served) costs approximately $100,000 for a teacher, educational assistants, instructional materials, technology, and administrative support needs.
Does That Mean My Child Cannot Learn? Generally speaking, no; when the child's condition(s) is/are severe, it may mean yes.
Usually it is only a problem when people believe the child cannot learn and don't try to teach him/her differently.
It is also a problem when the child gives up trying, accepts the label and gives the label as an excuse for not doing or even trying.
Then Why Do They Call My Child Disabled Or Handicapped? Teachers teach content and processes according to what the "average" child can do.
When your child does not fit into that narrow "normal" range is, the teacher(s) cannot take time from the group instruction to pace or instruct differently.
Since special education teachers receive training on altering instructional methods and pacing, it is easier (and usually beneficial for most children) to have him/her served in special education.
What Can Parents Do To Help Their Disabled or Handicapped Children? No matter what the condition is, parents can expect their child to learn like others.
Achievement may be at a slower pace even years or even behind the chronically aged peers, but they can learn.
Parents can make accommodations so the child can demonstrate or engage in age-appropriate activities.
Learning how to make accommodations takes practice and cannot be taught through a simple, short article.
Experienced and skilled personnel, such as those available through Parents Teach Kids, can help parents learn how to make accommodations instead of excuses.
Their children can learn, but it may take a little more effort from their parents.