Diet for Teens with Asperger Syndrome
A combination of foods should be consumed each day, including fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, and whole grains.But for teenagers, the common food in their diets are foods that are mostly found in a fast food chains like cheese burgers, pizzas, ice cream and soft drinks. And some of them are not eating regularly for they do not want to become fat.
To ensure that these young adults with Aspergers syndrome are eating a nutritional balanced diet, their parents must influence their teenager's diet and eating habits. They must give appropriate diet and nutrition that are helpful to improve the social skills of their teens. They must also make sure that their teens do not skip meals and must have enough water intakes for it may cause additional absent-mindedness, moods swings and irritations.
Teenagers need to eat well to ensure that they get the proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals that their bodies needed especially to teens with Asperger.
Some health providers may encourage adding organic diet for Asperger syndrome in teenagers. They believe that this diet may offer some relief from the symptoms of the syndrome. And they think that young adult may find it easier to focus while at school and while in therapy sessions to help them learn more effective techniques for interacting with others.
Another option for organic diet for Asperger Syndrome in teens is the Gluten Free and Casein Free diet. In this diet, teens must not foods containing gluten, such as wheat, rye and barley. Casein is found in milk, and it must not include in the diet.
The guidelines in preparing healthy and proper meals are: reduce and eliminate gradually unhealthy foods like high sugar; foods that are high in salt and fat content; foods containing artificial ingredients, preservatives and artificial coloring; get rid of soft drinks and canned goods. Instead of Add more fresh foods into their diet like fruits such as apples, carrots, nut mixes, cheese, crackers, and hard boiled eggs. Parents should make sure that their teens always eat breakfast. Breakfast meals are very important for they regulate energy level, brain power, and moods level.
Parents of young adults with Asperger Syndrome should discuss their child's diet with their health care professional so that it can be included into an overall treatment plan.