How to Build a Campfire Bench
- 1). Measure your log to six feet and make a mark with your spray paint. Cut the log with your chain saw.
- 2). Secure the six-foot log on the ground by placing your wooden wedges on either side of it. Cut the log in half longways with your chainsaw (this is known as ripping). Ripping a thick log half requires cutting one half of the depth, turning it 180-degrees and then cutting the other half. One-half of this cut log will be your bench seat.
- 3). Cut two pieces of your log to 18 inches long with your chain saw. These pieces will be your legs.
- 4). Lay the leg pieces horizontally on the ground about four feet apart. Secure both of them with your wooden wedges so they will not roll. Lay your bench seat on top of the legs and determine how it should sit. Make marks on the legs where you you need to make your cuts. Cut V-notches on the legs with your chain saw. The round side of the bench seat will rest in these notches. Place the bench seat on the legs and determine with your leveling tool if the bench sits level. If it is not level, scrape some wood out of one or both of the V-notches with a chisel to adjust the depth.
- 5). Drill through your bench seat into the leg to make a pilot hole for your wood screw. Insert the wood screw through the bench into a leg and twist it in with your wrench. Countersink the screws far enough into the wood so that their heads will not be exposed. Two screws for each leg should be sufficient.
- 6). File all rough edges until they are smooth. This will prevent people from getting slivers in their legs.