How to Conserve Energy By Improving Your Refrigerator Performance
- 1). Move your refrigerator out from the wall several inches. This will leave more space between the wall and the condenser coils, which will help to conserve energy.
- 2). Clean the condenser coils on your refrigerator. These coils can be carefully vacuumed and cleaned with a soft bristled brush. According to the California Energy Commission Consumer Energy Center, this can improve the efficiency level of your refrigerator by about 30 percent.
- 3). Regulate the temperature inside your refrigerator. A temperature level between 35 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit is plenty cold. Anything colder will waste energy.
- 4). Pack your refrigerator to help it perform better. When it's empty, it's more difficult to retain the cold. If you don't plan to shop for a few days, add some jugs of water to your refrigerator to help fill it up.