How to Install an OMC Transom Bellow Seal
- 1). Use a socket set to remove the propeller nut and then pull the propeller nut, along with the propeller, off the bottom of the outdrive.
- 2). Remove the nuts holding the trim pistons in place on the outdrive with the socket set and then hang them out of the way with a bungee cord.
- 3). Remove the outdrive lower unit mounting nuts and then pull the outdrive lower unit away to access the bell housing.
- 4). Loosen and remove the screws holding the bell housing to the Gimball housing with a Phillips screwdriver.
- 5). Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the clamps holding the old exhaust port and U-joint bellows in place. If necessary, cut the old bellows away with a sharp knife.
- 6). Wipe away dirt and debris from the exhaust port. Wipe a small amount of bellow sealant from the kit onto both the exhaust port and the inside of the bellow and then slip the new clamp and bellow in place. Tighten the clamp with the Phillips screwdriver. Slide the new clamp over the U-joint and then wipe bellow sealant on the inside of the joint bellow and then slip it on. Tighten the clamp with the screwdriver.
- 7). Attach the bell housing to the Gimball housing and insert the screws and tighten them.
- 8). Lift the outdrive lower unit and replace the mounting bolts.
- 9). Slip the trim pistons back into position on the inner section of the outdrive and then tighten them with the socket set. Slip the propeller back into place and tighten the propeller nut with the socket set.