Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - Keywords and Keyword Matching Options
Whether you are looking for a niche to develop as a business or trying to better optimize your web site or blog,keyword selection is a must have skill in internet marketing.
Keyword Match Options Mastering the process of evaluating the relative value and monetary possibilities of a keyword is not as easy as it is made out to be.
For the affiliate marketing beginner it is matter of understanding the various keyword matching options and what they offer for your future business growth and development.
The first place to start is with the search-targeted keyword specifications.
They are:broad matches, phrase matches, exact matches and negative matches.
So what do they all mean? Here is a general overview.
Broad Match The Broad match is a default mode for Google AdWords and other search advertising systems.
It represents keyword entries as they are typed in the search box without any defining attribution whatsoever.
For example, golf club typed in as such, would represent a keyword that could be rendered in the order you typed it, but could also be returned with the words golf and club in other combinations as well.
The golf and club words could also appear with singular/plural forms, synonyms and other relevant variations.
So your results could show golf clubs, cheap golf clubs, used golf clubs, clubs for golf and whatever variation is being entered by the people looking for or writing about golf clubs.
The broad match is as open and varied as the entries coming from the users on the Web.
Phrase Match When you enter a keyword in quotation marks, you are now in the realm of the phrase match.
Your phrase match appears with the keywords in the order in which they are entered, "golf club" but with the possibility of other terms in the query.
The order is respected but the composition of the word context allows for other terms as well.
Golf club for beginners is a phrase match combo, for example.
As long as the exact phrase is maintained in the order it is entered you have a phrase match.
Exact Match When you surround your phrase in brackets [ ] your search will return only those keywords with the specific phrase, in the exact order, and without any other terms in the query.
There will be no synonyms, variations of singular or plural or any contextual change at all.
You would only see the exact return of the keyword as it is entered.
The numbers you get are for the exact match as they are entered by the web user.
Negative Keyword A negative keyword match eliminates a keyword from search terms for your internet marketing campaign.
It is a keyword preceded by a minus sign (-).
For example - cheap is a negative keyword and could be specified by a golf club vendor who wants to weed out those who do not fit the profile for his/her high end golf clubs.
Inserting the negative keyword would avoid wasting money on clicks coming from the low end of the golf club market.
Negative keyword matches have the function of weeding out irrelevant searches.
Keyword Matching Strategies So how do you use these variations in your keyword research?That is material for a book but there are some general guidelines to follow.
For clarity let us define different market categories as a function of the number of competing pages for a given keyword: 1,000,000 + - Market 100,000- 1,000,000Mega niche 30,000 - 100,000Niche