Can You Actually Win An Ex Back By Looking Hot?
People always tell you to start looking hot around your ex. Lets say your ex runs into you after a while and youre looking really hot. How would that make them feel? Do you think it would make them think about getting back together?
In short yes. Theres something to be said for looking your best and this is especially true when it comes to getting back with an ex, however its not the end all be all to the relationship.
There are many different things you can do to get back together with your ex, but they depend on your situation.
Did you break up recently or has it been a few months?
If youve been broken up for just a few weeks, theres a chance that looking good wont have the same impact as it would if youve been apart for a while.
This is because your good looks will still be fresh in your exs mind where as if youve spent some significant time apart, looking good will jolt their memoryand have them thinking about the good times you had together.
Who should make first contact?
In theory you want your ex to contact you and looking good will go a long ways to making this happen. If you were friends on Facebook but got de-friended after the breakup, keep an eye out to see if they add you as a friend again after seeing you in person.
Dont get your hopes up that your ex will call you right away, chances are theyll text you instead. Keep the text short and sweet and dont get into much detail.
Doing this will help you appear busy and mysterious and leave your ex wanting more. Furthermore on this, drop a note in the last line of your text to have your ex call you and chat. By doing this you shift the balance in the relationship and give your ex something to look forward to.
Radiate Confidence
Lastly you should radiate confidence whenever you deal with your ex. This is something that youll need to work on during your time apart, but nothing is more attractive than self confidence and it will shine through to your ex, even when youre talking on the phone.
Its no lie that looking good plays in important role if you want to win your ex back, but in order to maximize your looks you need to have the confidence that goes along with it.
Weve been taught to think that the things we want in life take hard work and effort, and to an extent thats true.