Grants for Forestry Products
- The Forestry Service, a division of the United States Department of Agriculture, awards grants to a variety of forest-related projects. Programs to grow and harvest timber, forest research and projects to aid the fish and wild animals that live in forests are all eligible to receive Cooperative Forestry Assistance grants. Organizations including State Forestry services, tribes and nonprofit organizations may apply. Awards range from $25,000 to $6 million, and the average award is about $1 million.
- The Community Assistance Program that is run by the National Forest Foundation gives grants to new organizations that are focused on forestry. Applicants may not be individuals, but rather they must represent collaborative entities. The program seeks to fund programs that bring ideas about forestry into the community by involving local people and businesses in their projects. The grant awards range between $5,000 and $15,000. In addition to the money, the program gives advice to the grant recipients.
- The Wood Education and Resource Center awards grants to share costs with programs that enhance the sustainability of industries that produce forest products in the hardwood forests of the Northeast. The annual budget for the grants is usually about $1 million, and each year about 100 projects are funded, depending on the actual size of the budget. The organization supports projects that enhance communication between researchers who develop methods of sustainable forestry and the producers who work in the industries and can implement the producers' new methods.
- Students in grades seven through 11 can apply for funds from the Future Farmers of America to fund forestry projects. The Supervised Agricultural Experience program provides money to students so that they can gain experience in a variety of areas related to agriculture. Each Supervised Agricultural Experience must fall under one of the pathways supported by the Future Farmers of America. Forestry projects usually fall under forest management and products. Some examples of projects in this pathway are internships with logging companies, pruning an orchard and growing Christmas trees. Some forest-related projects may apply to other pathways. For example, foraging for mushrooms in a forest and selling them at a farmer's market could be an agricultural sales project.
Cooperative Forestry Assistance
National Forest Foundation Grants
Wood Education and Resource Center Grants
Future Farmers of America Supervised Agricultural Experience Grants