Get Your Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids With Krill Oil
Omega-3 oils are high in two types of essential fats that your body needs to maintain its good health.
These two fats are DHA and EPA.
DHA and EPA are very important in maintaining your health.
Scientific research has indicated that these substances may also help prevent a variety of very significant and sometimes common but life threatening diseases.
If we lived in a perfect world where we were getting the optimal nutritional benefits that are needed from our diets we would be able to get all the Omega-3s we needed by simply eating fish.
However, it is unfortunate that fish oil is weak in antioxidant content.
Fish oil is not only weak in antioxidant content but as you try to increase your intake of Omega-3 essential fatty acids by eating more fish or taking oil, you are actually increasing your need for more antioxidant protection.
Besides that there are several other problems when taking fish oil to get the proper amount of Omega 3 fatty acids.
For one, fish oil is extremely perishable.
To make sure that the fish oil doesn't become oxidized and rancid antioxidants are necessary.
When the fish oils start to oxidize it leads to the formation of more unhealthy free radicals.
Researchers and scientists believe that one of the main reasons we age is because of these free radicals.
So, you are left with a cycle that is hard to break.
You not only need to get more antioxidants for your health in general, but your will need to increase your intake of antioxidants even more when you use fish oil to get the proper amount of Omega 3 fatty acids.
This cycle has been a problem for most people.
However, there is a solution to this problem.
The solution begins with a new discovery of Krill oil.
Krill oil has not only given us a top-quality alternative to fish oil but it has given us an arsenal of important nutrients that help in fighting the aging process.
Important nutrients that have been responsible for helping the Inuits in Greenland stay young and vibrant.
Krill oil is very special marine oil that is exceptionally high in DHA and EPA, a unique food from the sea some may say.
Krill oil also has another property that has been know as a secret weapon that is not found in fish oils.
This secret weapon explains why it has superior phospholipids, which help deliver the fatty acids directly to your body's cells.
Scientific evidence to date has shown that the safest and most effective carriers of EPA and DHA are these phospholipids.
Phospholipids are the building blocks for your cell membranes and are critical for protecting cell membranes from toxic injury and free radical attacks which allow more EPA and DHA to directly enter the cells and improve your Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio.
The most principal phospholipids in Krill oil is phosphatidyl chorine which make it a rich source of choline.
Various studies have established the importance of choline in brain development especially learning and memory.
Chorine is predominantly important for fetal and infant brain development in pregnant and nursing women.
Choline is the predecessor for the vital neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine sends nerve signals to the brain, and also for trimethylglycine which is a recognized liver protector.
A shortage of acetylcholine has been associated with brain-related disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and autism.
A product such as Krill Oil Rx is loaded with phospholipids-backed Omega-3s and it also includes a full complement of necessary antioxidants that are not in cod liver or fish oil.
These two fats are DHA and EPA.
DHA and EPA are very important in maintaining your health.
Scientific research has indicated that these substances may also help prevent a variety of very significant and sometimes common but life threatening diseases.
If we lived in a perfect world where we were getting the optimal nutritional benefits that are needed from our diets we would be able to get all the Omega-3s we needed by simply eating fish.
However, it is unfortunate that fish oil is weak in antioxidant content.
Fish oil is not only weak in antioxidant content but as you try to increase your intake of Omega-3 essential fatty acids by eating more fish or taking oil, you are actually increasing your need for more antioxidant protection.
Besides that there are several other problems when taking fish oil to get the proper amount of Omega 3 fatty acids.
For one, fish oil is extremely perishable.
To make sure that the fish oil doesn't become oxidized and rancid antioxidants are necessary.
When the fish oils start to oxidize it leads to the formation of more unhealthy free radicals.
Researchers and scientists believe that one of the main reasons we age is because of these free radicals.
So, you are left with a cycle that is hard to break.
You not only need to get more antioxidants for your health in general, but your will need to increase your intake of antioxidants even more when you use fish oil to get the proper amount of Omega 3 fatty acids.
This cycle has been a problem for most people.
However, there is a solution to this problem.
The solution begins with a new discovery of Krill oil.
Krill oil has not only given us a top-quality alternative to fish oil but it has given us an arsenal of important nutrients that help in fighting the aging process.
Important nutrients that have been responsible for helping the Inuits in Greenland stay young and vibrant.
Krill oil is very special marine oil that is exceptionally high in DHA and EPA, a unique food from the sea some may say.
Krill oil also has another property that has been know as a secret weapon that is not found in fish oils.
This secret weapon explains why it has superior phospholipids, which help deliver the fatty acids directly to your body's cells.
Scientific evidence to date has shown that the safest and most effective carriers of EPA and DHA are these phospholipids.
Phospholipids are the building blocks for your cell membranes and are critical for protecting cell membranes from toxic injury and free radical attacks which allow more EPA and DHA to directly enter the cells and improve your Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratio.
The most principal phospholipids in Krill oil is phosphatidyl chorine which make it a rich source of choline.
Various studies have established the importance of choline in brain development especially learning and memory.
Chorine is predominantly important for fetal and infant brain development in pregnant and nursing women.
Choline is the predecessor for the vital neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine sends nerve signals to the brain, and also for trimethylglycine which is a recognized liver protector.
A shortage of acetylcholine has been associated with brain-related disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and autism.
A product such as Krill Oil Rx is loaded with phospholipids-backed Omega-3s and it also includes a full complement of necessary antioxidants that are not in cod liver or fish oil.