Christmas Gift Ideas for a Picky Person
- Christmas gifts for picky people should provide a host of options.Jupiterimages/ Images
Fighting for mall parking, manning the crowds and searching through sale after sale, Christmas shopping can prove challenging. When you find yourself shopping for someone with particularly picky taste, the task becomes even more difficult. In those instances, consider searching for gifts that offer a variety of choices. - Gifts that offer a variety of options may better accommodate the tastes of a picky person. As a result, you may consider signing the recipient up for a monthly gift club, such as a fruit, chocolate or wine of the month club. For especially busy people, some companies offer a monthly dinner club, sending packaged food or easy-to-make meals, such as pasta and sauce, as well as gourmet popcorn for dessert.
- Picky women may enjoy a gift card for a local spa. This way, women can choose whichever services they prefer, such as a pedicure, a manicure, a facial or a massage. Men may prefer a gift card for a different activity, such as the movies or tee time at a nearby golf course. These types of gift cards also allow the recipient the opportunity to plan the event according to her own schedule.
- Outdoor gear can serve as a versatile gift. For instance, recipients may use binoculars for a variety of events, including anything from sporting events to bird watching to hiking expeditions. Outdoor folding chairs may come in handy as well for trips to the beach, tailgating before sporting events, camping trips or an afternoon in the park. As an added touch, you may consider buying chairs in the recipient's favorite color or featuring the logo of his favorite sports team.
- Digital frames can offer versatility as a Christmas gift, as they provide the recipient with the opportunity to fill the frame with personal photos of her choice. High-end photo frames can offer a host of additional services, including web browsers and news feeds. Some digital frames can fit in such tiny spaces as key chains or refrigerator magnets. Compared to large ones, smaller digital frames can help lessen the strain on your budget as well.
Monthly Clubs
Gift Cards for Events
Outdoor Gear
Digital Frames