A Golf Swing Tip From The World Of The Automobile
When looking for a golf swing tip it is easy to get swamped with information overload.
Of there are many different types of swing, from the drive to the long iron, the short iron, bunker, and so on.
So, is there a golf swing tip which you can use all around the course? The answer is yes, and if that's what you're after, I'm about to give you a tip which will take shots off your score like you wouldn't believe! To make my point I'm going to use the example of the car.
If you drive a top of the range sports car with mighty acceleration, you do not need to floor it to get a quick getaway.
In fact this will probably be counter productive, maybe leading to wheel spin and a resulting *slower* get away! Similarly if you drive a great big luxury gas guzzler which might just as well have armchairs fitted, you don't use it for stop start trips to the shops.
To get the best from these 2 cars, you use the sports car's inbuilt power acceleration for smooth quick getaways, and the luxury car for smooth trips on the motorway.
In other words you use the right car for the job.
This is the golf swing tip which will make your scores plummet! Firstly, use the right club - if you the kind of player looking for a better swing all the way round the course, it's better to go for a club longer than you think you need.
Once you've selected the club, trust it to do what it's designed for! As with the cars, remember that your chosen club is designed with endless hours and much money to do the job it's supposed to do! If you trust this, you can relax with your swing.
Don't try to knock seven bells out of the ball, keep your head down and make a deliberate effort to swing gently.
This is the golf swing tip which helped my all round game amazingly, and if you stick to it, you'll see the same results.
Of there are many different types of swing, from the drive to the long iron, the short iron, bunker, and so on.
So, is there a golf swing tip which you can use all around the course? The answer is yes, and if that's what you're after, I'm about to give you a tip which will take shots off your score like you wouldn't believe! To make my point I'm going to use the example of the car.
If you drive a top of the range sports car with mighty acceleration, you do not need to floor it to get a quick getaway.
In fact this will probably be counter productive, maybe leading to wheel spin and a resulting *slower* get away! Similarly if you drive a great big luxury gas guzzler which might just as well have armchairs fitted, you don't use it for stop start trips to the shops.
To get the best from these 2 cars, you use the sports car's inbuilt power acceleration for smooth quick getaways, and the luxury car for smooth trips on the motorway.
In other words you use the right car for the job.
This is the golf swing tip which will make your scores plummet! Firstly, use the right club - if you the kind of player looking for a better swing all the way round the course, it's better to go for a club longer than you think you need.
Once you've selected the club, trust it to do what it's designed for! As with the cars, remember that your chosen club is designed with endless hours and much money to do the job it's supposed to do! If you trust this, you can relax with your swing.
Don't try to knock seven bells out of the ball, keep your head down and make a deliberate effort to swing gently.
This is the golf swing tip which helped my all round game amazingly, and if you stick to it, you'll see the same results.