Top Class Fashion Designer In Indonesia
Development industry textile in Indonesia also gives share in development of fashion , where many cloth designers uses textile material like batik dank original silky ain of made in Indonesia.
From starting modern cloth designer until cloth designer for certain theme always presenting freshness and public of work of the cloth designer. Following are checklist name of cloth designer known as in Indonesia are :
Anne Avantie
Arantxa Adi
Samuel Wattimena
Edward Hutabarat
Chossy Latu
Itang Yunasz
Dandy Burhan
Stephanus Hamy
Widhi Budimulia
Naniek Rahmat
Taruna Kusmayadi
Tuty Cholid
Anne Rufaidah
Denny Wirawan
Ferry Sunarto
Sally Koeswanto
Priyo Oktaviano
Billy Tjong
Ghea S. Panggabean
Valentino Napitupulu
Arthur Harland
Biyan Wanaatmadja
Sebastian Gunawan
Didi Budiardjo
Adrian Gan
Eddy Betty
Ronald V. Gaghana
Deden Siswanto
Adjie Notonegoro
Harry Darsono
Ivan Gunawan
Kanaya Tabitha
Kunang Andries
Marga Alam
Nelwan Anwar
Non Kawilarang
Oscar Lawalatta
Peter Sie
Poppy Darsono
Resnha Sapto
Tri Handoko
Yohannes E. Yunarko
A lot of , if you wish to know result of work of above cloth designer , you can see it in website or contacts office and shopping expense in its boutique which many boutique in big shop in Jakarta.
Besides in Jakarta , the cloth designers also has circulated and opens its(the shop in many metropolises like surabaya , bandung , denpasar , makassar and field. The this cloth designers young to have career in business fashion can learn of the desainer known as this in a hope that your work also gets place in heart of public.
Cloth designer in Indonesia do not fail with world level cloth designer , so you I can assure if you try on and try result of its(the planning then you will like and are happy. There are some results of photo luki for fashion designer Indonesia at website
From starting modern cloth designer until cloth designer for certain theme always presenting freshness and public of work of the cloth designer. Following are checklist name of cloth designer known as in Indonesia are :
Anne Avantie
Arantxa Adi
Samuel Wattimena
Edward Hutabarat
Chossy Latu
Itang Yunasz
Dandy Burhan
Stephanus Hamy
Widhi Budimulia
Naniek Rahmat
Taruna Kusmayadi
Tuty Cholid
Anne Rufaidah
Denny Wirawan
Ferry Sunarto
Sally Koeswanto
Priyo Oktaviano
Billy Tjong
Ghea S. Panggabean
Valentino Napitupulu
Arthur Harland
Biyan Wanaatmadja
Sebastian Gunawan
Didi Budiardjo
Adrian Gan
Eddy Betty
Ronald V. Gaghana
Deden Siswanto
Adjie Notonegoro
Harry Darsono
Ivan Gunawan
Kanaya Tabitha
Kunang Andries
Marga Alam
Nelwan Anwar
Non Kawilarang
Oscar Lawalatta
Peter Sie
Poppy Darsono
Resnha Sapto
Tri Handoko
Yohannes E. Yunarko
A lot of , if you wish to know result of work of above cloth designer , you can see it in website or contacts office and shopping expense in its boutique which many boutique in big shop in Jakarta.
Besides in Jakarta , the cloth designers also has circulated and opens its(the shop in many metropolises like surabaya , bandung , denpasar , makassar and field. The this cloth designers young to have career in business fashion can learn of the desainer known as this in a hope that your work also gets place in heart of public.
Cloth designer in Indonesia do not fail with world level cloth designer , so you I can assure if you try on and try result of its(the planning then you will like and are happy. There are some results of photo luki for fashion designer Indonesia at website