Kids Are Naturally Positive
We often hear "children are our future.
" It's true.
Those precious, innocent beings will be responsible for our world tomorrow.
We naturally want the best for them and might attempt to alleviate every obstacle from their way if it were humanly possible.
These little people are a product of the influences of their environment and will use the tools and skills we provide them to navigate the events of life.
The most valuable thing we can pass on is an awareness that a positive attitude can overcome most anything in life and at the very least a positive attitude can relieve stress and make any unpleasant situation less painful.
I believe we have an obligation to our children to arm them with a winning spirit.
Teach them that they have total control over their own thoughts.
Positive thoughts take less energy than negative ones and positive attitudes produce solutions to problems while negative ones result in an abundance of unproductive complaining.
Nobody likes a whiner.
The person with the "can do" attitude is the person that accomplishes the seemingly impossible.
With a winning attitude nothing is impossible.
These are not merely words - this has been proven many times throughout history, yet this concept has often been upstaged in education and society.
Education and knowledge are great but they pale in comparison to a positive attitude.
Children believe things are possible because they have not yet been told they are not.
Teaching our children to be strong minded, confident human beings will serve two purposes - it will help them get through life's struggles as smoothly as possible and they will be a positive influence in the world to make it a better place to live.
And how wonderful would it be to hear a child say "Mom or Dad, thank you so much for showing me how to be a winner?" How rewarding to know that you gave them the most valuable tool of all and showed them how to use it! We are their first impression of coping with daily life.
We are the example, especially during those tender formative years.
We do not have the luxury of rewinding or deleting.
It is only human to make mistakes as parents but let's not take a chance by neglecting our privilege to do the best job we can.
Let's encourage our children as we learn from them and make our journey with them as joyous and memorable as possible!
" It's true.
Those precious, innocent beings will be responsible for our world tomorrow.
We naturally want the best for them and might attempt to alleviate every obstacle from their way if it were humanly possible.
These little people are a product of the influences of their environment and will use the tools and skills we provide them to navigate the events of life.
The most valuable thing we can pass on is an awareness that a positive attitude can overcome most anything in life and at the very least a positive attitude can relieve stress and make any unpleasant situation less painful.
I believe we have an obligation to our children to arm them with a winning spirit.
Teach them that they have total control over their own thoughts.
Positive thoughts take less energy than negative ones and positive attitudes produce solutions to problems while negative ones result in an abundance of unproductive complaining.
Nobody likes a whiner.
The person with the "can do" attitude is the person that accomplishes the seemingly impossible.
With a winning attitude nothing is impossible.
These are not merely words - this has been proven many times throughout history, yet this concept has often been upstaged in education and society.
Education and knowledge are great but they pale in comparison to a positive attitude.
Children believe things are possible because they have not yet been told they are not.
Teaching our children to be strong minded, confident human beings will serve two purposes - it will help them get through life's struggles as smoothly as possible and they will be a positive influence in the world to make it a better place to live.
And how wonderful would it be to hear a child say "Mom or Dad, thank you so much for showing me how to be a winner?" How rewarding to know that you gave them the most valuable tool of all and showed them how to use it! We are their first impression of coping with daily life.
We are the example, especially during those tender formative years.
We do not have the luxury of rewinding or deleting.
It is only human to make mistakes as parents but let's not take a chance by neglecting our privilege to do the best job we can.
Let's encourage our children as we learn from them and make our journey with them as joyous and memorable as possible!