How to use iTunes Radio on iPhone
Introduction to Using iTunes Radio on iPhone
Apple's streaming radio service iTunes Radio is a core feature of the desktop version of iTunes, but it's also built into the Music app on the iOS. Because of that, any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7 or higher can use iTunes Radio to stream music and discover new bands. Like Pandora, iTunes Radio lets you create stations based on songs or artists you like, and then customize that station to fit your musical preferences.
Learn how to use iTunes Radio on iTunes here. To continue learning how to use iTunes Radio on iPhone and iPod touch read on.
Begin by tapping the Music app on your iOS device's home screen. In the Music app, tap the Radio icon.
Creating a New iTunes Radio Station on iPhone
By default, iTunes Radio is pre-configured with a number of Featured Stations created by Apple. To listen to one of those, simply tap it.
More likely, though, you'll want to create your own stations. To do that, follow these steps:
Playing Songs on iTunes Radio on iPhone
The screenshot above shows the default interface for iTunes Radio on iPhone for when a song is playing. The icons on the screen do the following things:
You can improve your iTunes Radio station in a number of ways: by adding additional artists or songs, by removing artists or songs from ever being played again, or by designing the station to help you discover new music.
As mentioned in the last step, there are a few ways to access these options. When a song is playing, you'll see a Star icon on the screen. If you tap the Star, a menu pops up with four options:
The other option that's on screen when you're listening to a station is the I button at the top of the screen. When you tap that, you can choose from the following options:
Once you've created a few stations, you may want to edit some of your existing stations. Editing can mean changing a station's name, adding or removing artists, or deleting a station. To edit a station, tap the Edit button on the main iTunes Radio screen. Then tap the station you want to edit.
On this screen, you can:
Apple's streaming radio service iTunes Radio is a core feature of the desktop version of iTunes, but it's also built into the Music app on the iOS. Because of that, any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 7 or higher can use iTunes Radio to stream music and discover new bands. Like Pandora, iTunes Radio lets you create stations based on songs or artists you like, and then customize that station to fit your musical preferences.
Learn how to use iTunes Radio on iTunes here. To continue learning how to use iTunes Radio on iPhone and iPod touch read on.
Begin by tapping the Music app on your iOS device's home screen. In the Music app, tap the Radio icon.
Creating a New iTunes Radio Station on iPhone
By default, iTunes Radio is pre-configured with a number of Featured Stations created by Apple. To listen to one of those, simply tap it.
More likely, though, you'll want to create your own stations. To do that, follow these steps:
- Tap Edit
- Tap New Station
- Type in the name of the artist or song that you want to use as the foundation of the station. Matches will appear beneath the search box. Tap the artist or song you want.
- The new station will be added to the main iTunes Radio screen.
- A song from the station will begin playing.
Playing Songs on iTunes Radio on iPhone
The screenshot above shows the default interface for iTunes Radio on iPhone for when a song is playing. The icons on the screen do the following things:
- The arrow in the top left corner takes you back to the main iTunes Radio screen.
- Tap the I button to get more information and options about the station. More on that screen in the next step.
- The Price button is shown for songs you don't own. Tap the price button to purchase the song from the iTunes Store.
- The progress bar beneath the album art shows where in the song you are.
- The Star icon lets you provide feedback on the song. More on that in the next step.
- The Play/pause button starts and stops songs.
- The Forward button lets you skip the song you're listening to move to the next one.
- The slider at the bottom controls the playback volume. The volume buttons on the side of the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad can also raise or lower the volume.
You can improve your iTunes Radio station in a number of ways: by adding additional artists or songs, by removing artists or songs from ever being played again, or by designing the station to help you discover new music.
As mentioned in the last step, there are a few ways to access these options. When a song is playing, you'll see a Star icon on the screen. If you tap the Star, a menu pops up with four options:
- Play More Like This - Tap this option to say that you like this song and want iTunes Radio to send you music like it.
- Never Play This Song - Hate this song or artist? Tap this option and you won't hear it on this station again (this only applies to the station you're listening to, though. The song could show up in other stations).
- Add to iTunes Wish List - Like this song enough that you want to buy it? If you don't want to buy it yet, add it to your Wish List to buy later. You can access your Wish List from within the iTunes Store app.
- Cancel - Don't want to make any choice right now? Tap this option.
The other option that's on screen when you're listening to a station is the I button at the top of the screen. When you tap that, you can choose from the following options:
- Purchase Song - You can buy the song by tapping the price. To see the full album that the song comes from, tap the three line icon and you'll get taken to the iTunes Store app.
- New Station from Artist/Song - Like this artist or song so much that you'd like to create a new station based on it? Tap one of these items.
- Tune This Station - Move this slider to choose whether the station plays mostly popular songs by the artists in the station, helps you discover new music, or balances the two.
- Allow Explicit Tracks - Move this slider so that green shows to allow explicit language in the station When the slider is white, explicit language is blocked.
- Share Station - Think you know someone else who would enjoy this station? Tap the share icon (the box with an arrow coming out of it) and choose how you'd like to share it.
Once you've created a few stations, you may want to edit some of your existing stations. Editing can mean changing a station's name, adding or removing artists, or deleting a station. To edit a station, tap the Edit button on the main iTunes Radio screen. Then tap the station you want to edit.
On this screen, you can:
- Change the name of the station by tapping in the station name area and typing a new name
- Share Station by tapping the sharing box and choosing how to share it
- Add additional artists or songs to the station by tapping the + beneath Play More Like This and searching.
- Block artists or songs from the station by tapping the + beneath Never Play This and searching.
- Delete the station by tapping that option at the very bottom.