To Get The Body You Want, Or Not To Get The Body you Want, That Is The Question
To get the perfect body was always the dream of many people, and although some reached their goal, most of us will never be able to make their wish come true. Now you could ask me why, why is it that so many people seemingly can't achieve their goal of a perfect body and others reach that mark without any problems? It's dead simple, really. Those who are able to get a hot body, perfect health and animal like endurance, seemingly, without problems make use of a little secret, a damn obvious little secret.
You want to know what? Okay let me tell you how they manage it to stay so healthy and strong – they learned to use their head. Yep that's it, they used their heads and thought about things like "Why? Why do I perform this oh so called perfect cardio exercise for hours every day?", "Why can't I see improvements after all those hours?". Simply by using their heads these guys saw that hour long training sessions aren't working as good as they should. You see, you aren't doing anything wrong, it's just the system that is obsolete.
There is no need to train long, but you need to train smart in order to reach your goal. Use the best cardio for weight loss that exists. The system is called HIIT and can boost your training results like nothing else but before we talk about it in detail lets have a look at some exercises that work good in combination with a HIIT routine.
Let's have a look at some pretty basic exercises:
1) Jogging
I don't think that there will ever be an exercise that is a worthy match for jogging in terms of effectivity when used correct. For example using it in combination with HIIT training will be much more effective and also better for your joints than jogging over a long period. Although it's pretty damn effective for the casual trainee that wants to slim down this exercise can be a real problem to your joints which is its only real disadvantage.
2) Swimming
I personally love swimming and would do it pretty often if I had the chance to do it, there's no risk of hurting your joints and it will strengthen all of your body parts. Uhm… yeah that's it, there's no big disadvantage when it comes to swimming.
3) Cycling
It doesn't matters if you're riding your bike in the mountains or on flat fields, cycling is extremely effective in terms of weight loss. Many trainer even say it's the best cardio for weight loss because its much more joint friendlier than jogging and a bit more intense than swimming.
The above mentioned exercises are pretty good in combination with high intense interval training aka HIIT and when you perform them right, they will help you to achieve your dream body in almost no time. Which one you pick is fully up to you, every exercise mentioned will work well with HIIT training and will turn your routine in the best cardio for weight loss.
I explained the theory behind HIIT exactly in my eBook "The Best Cardio For Weight Loss" which is downloadable for FREE on this homepage.
You want to know what? Okay let me tell you how they manage it to stay so healthy and strong – they learned to use their head. Yep that's it, they used their heads and thought about things like "Why? Why do I perform this oh so called perfect cardio exercise for hours every day?", "Why can't I see improvements after all those hours?". Simply by using their heads these guys saw that hour long training sessions aren't working as good as they should. You see, you aren't doing anything wrong, it's just the system that is obsolete.
There is no need to train long, but you need to train smart in order to reach your goal. Use the best cardio for weight loss that exists. The system is called HIIT and can boost your training results like nothing else but before we talk about it in detail lets have a look at some exercises that work good in combination with a HIIT routine.
Let's have a look at some pretty basic exercises:
1) Jogging
I don't think that there will ever be an exercise that is a worthy match for jogging in terms of effectivity when used correct. For example using it in combination with HIIT training will be much more effective and also better for your joints than jogging over a long period. Although it's pretty damn effective for the casual trainee that wants to slim down this exercise can be a real problem to your joints which is its only real disadvantage.
2) Swimming
I personally love swimming and would do it pretty often if I had the chance to do it, there's no risk of hurting your joints and it will strengthen all of your body parts. Uhm… yeah that's it, there's no big disadvantage when it comes to swimming.
3) Cycling
It doesn't matters if you're riding your bike in the mountains or on flat fields, cycling is extremely effective in terms of weight loss. Many trainer even say it's the best cardio for weight loss because its much more joint friendlier than jogging and a bit more intense than swimming.
The above mentioned exercises are pretty good in combination with high intense interval training aka HIIT and when you perform them right, they will help you to achieve your dream body in almost no time. Which one you pick is fully up to you, every exercise mentioned will work well with HIIT training and will turn your routine in the best cardio for weight loss.
I explained the theory behind HIIT exactly in my eBook "The Best Cardio For Weight Loss" which is downloadable for FREE on this homepage.