How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally - 3 Simple Ingredients That Have Been Proven to Work
Your doctor is probably recommending statin drugs to you to lower your cholesterol.
If this has happened to you then you need to be aware of the fact that people taking statin prescriptions often experience dangerous side effects, which is not what you want, right? There are many natural ingredients and supplements available on the market today that can help you lower cholesterol naturally without any side effects, and usually at a lower price as well.
You do not want to put your health at risk taking prescription drugs before you've tried the proven natural alternatives.
With all that said, here are three ingredients that have been proven to work, so check them out.
D-Limonene Oil is a natural compound that you can find in orange peel oil.
It has been proven to be effective in dissolving cholesterol gallstones and reduce cholesterol much like tocotrienols do.
D-Limonene oil has also been used to treat cancer and tumors, so it has many beneficial properties.
Policosanol does not only help in lowering cholesterol in your body, but it also treats hypercholesterolemia and intermittent claudication.
It has also been proven to increase your good cholesterol (HDL) significantly.
It lowers cholesterol by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis.
Beta Sitosterol also helps reduce cholesterol by inhibiting intestinal absorption of cholesterol in your body.
Cholesterol absorption is often shown to decrease by around 50%, which is significant when you think about it.
If you want to learn how to lower cholesterol naturally, you may want to look at a natural cholesterol supplement that has been proven to work, they are out there.