Shadow People and Births
I am 40 years old and can remember shadow people since I was a kid. Several times, I can recall summer days living out in the country. My Mom and I would be watching TV. I would see my Mom out of the corner of my eye, motioning to me. I would look over and see her just pointing at the doorway. I would look over and see a shadow of a human on the wall, just outside the doorway. It would just stand there for several seconds, then vanish.
My Mom would just raise her brows and we would continue watching TV.
As an adult, my first encounter with a shadow person came about during a TV commercial. I heard my show come back on, so I trotted quickly down the hall... and came face-to-face with a full-figure shadow person. I tried to stop but couldn't and ran right through it. I didn't feel anything different.
My husband and I have four children. I noticed the shadow people the most right after our children were born. They would be all over for about the first two weeks. I was breast-feeding my daughter when she was about four days old. It was around 11 p.m. I was in a chair in the family room. The shadow person just appeared in the center of the room and walked right past me and into a wall. The next night I woke to three of them just hovering over me for about 30 seconds and then disappear.
I saw one another night -- just a torso -- go walking past me real swiftly. I would see these 3-foot shadow people fly down the hallway one right after another.
They would move very fast and disappear in the room at the end of the hall. I even saw a shadow person in the hospital, just hours after one of my children was born. It was next to the babies cart, and just evaporated. I thought it was a nurse at first.
The last shadow encounter was a year ago. My Husband and I had our bedroom in the basement. I fell asleep in the family room upstairs. He went to bed downstairs. I woke a hour later to my husband stomping up the stairs. When I woke, I saw a thin shadow person by the front door. It looked frantic, and as my husband hit the top step, this thing leaped into the darkness of the corner and was gone. My husband, in a shaky voice, asked me to come to bed. He said he had the "creeps." He thought he saw a person standing next to the bed.
The next day, I realized that where he saw the shadow person, was directly below the front door downstairs. This shadow thing went through the basement ceiling and that's where I saw it, and it was trying to hide from my husband, who was coming up the stairs. That's when I saw it by the door. I also saw a shadow person in college while giving a speech. It was at the very back of the classroom. When I looked at it, it scampered across the back room and through a wall. I am not sure what they are, but I never felt that they are meaning any harm.
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My Mom would just raise her brows and we would continue watching TV.
As an adult, my first encounter with a shadow person came about during a TV commercial. I heard my show come back on, so I trotted quickly down the hall... and came face-to-face with a full-figure shadow person. I tried to stop but couldn't and ran right through it. I didn't feel anything different.
My husband and I have four children. I noticed the shadow people the most right after our children were born. They would be all over for about the first two weeks. I was breast-feeding my daughter when she was about four days old. It was around 11 p.m. I was in a chair in the family room. The shadow person just appeared in the center of the room and walked right past me and into a wall. The next night I woke to three of them just hovering over me for about 30 seconds and then disappear.
I saw one another night -- just a torso -- go walking past me real swiftly. I would see these 3-foot shadow people fly down the hallway one right after another.
They would move very fast and disappear in the room at the end of the hall. I even saw a shadow person in the hospital, just hours after one of my children was born. It was next to the babies cart, and just evaporated. I thought it was a nurse at first.
The last shadow encounter was a year ago. My Husband and I had our bedroom in the basement. I fell asleep in the family room upstairs. He went to bed downstairs. I woke a hour later to my husband stomping up the stairs. When I woke, I saw a thin shadow person by the front door. It looked frantic, and as my husband hit the top step, this thing leaped into the darkness of the corner and was gone. My husband, in a shaky voice, asked me to come to bed. He said he had the "creeps." He thought he saw a person standing next to the bed.
The next day, I realized that where he saw the shadow person, was directly below the front door downstairs. This shadow thing went through the basement ceiling and that's where I saw it, and it was trying to hide from my husband, who was coming up the stairs. That's when I saw it by the door. I also saw a shadow person in college while giving a speech. It was at the very back of the classroom. When I looked at it, it scampered across the back room and through a wall. I am not sure what they are, but I never felt that they are meaning any harm.
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