Figure Skating Calendar - June, 2010
Ice skating coach, Katie Stader Holmes has created a full color figure skating calendar. The calendar is a fundraiser to help pay for the insurance expenses for her autistic child.
The 2010 Figure Skating Calendar is a 12" x 12" full color calendar. Each month features photos of a uniquely decorated figure skates. The dates of important figure skating competitions such as the Olympics, the World Figure Skating Championships, and the Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series are included in the calendar.
Also, the birthdays of Olympic figure skating champions are listed.
The 2010 Figure Skating Calendar is a 12" x 12" full color calendar. Each month features photos of a uniquely decorated figure skates. The dates of important figure skating competitions such as the Olympics, the World Figure Skating Championships, and the Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series are included in the calendar.
Also, the birthdays of Olympic figure skating champions are listed.