How Do I Polish Black Shoes?
- 1). Brush shoes lightly with the soft bristled brush to remove and dirt and grime from the shoes. Remove the laces.
- 2). Place shoes on a sheet of newspaper to protect the area from the polish, which can stain. Apply the black shoe polish with a clean dry cloth using small circular motions around the entire shoe.
- 3). Let the shoe polish dry on the shoes. Drying time depends on the commercial product you choose so be sure to check the directions on the shoe polish container.
- 4). Wipe the shoe polish off the black shoes using a clean, dry cloth. Using the same circular motions, re-apply another layer of polish with the same cloth. Let it dry.
- 5). Buff the shoes with a clean dry cloth. Brush the shoes until they are shiny with a soft bristled brush. Store the shoes in a felt shoe bag or in a shoe box so they remain shiny and ready to be worn.