Signs of Self-Weaning in Infants
- Though self-weaning before the age of 18 to 24 months is rare, it can occur as a healthy behavior. Some children are natural self-soothers and do not need as much suckling time or need to nurse for as many months as other children, according to La Leche League International. If your child is able to calm herself down quickly without much help, she could be a natural self-soother. However, La Leche League recommends breastfeeding for as long as the mother and child desire, and for at least the first year of life for nutritional and immunological benefits. Those benefits continue for as long as the child is receiving mother's milk.
- If a child is at least 1 year old and gradually showing less interest in the breast, it is probably a sign of self-weaning. This is especially true if the infant is eating a variety of foods, is maintaining a healthy weight and prefers to play or engage in other activities when offered the breast. However, some babies are simply too distracted to nurse, even when they need the nutrition. Infants between the ages of 6 and 9 months are known for this, according to La Leche.
- If babies are using pacifiers, bottles and other artificial methods of fulfilling their suckling needs, they may refuse the breast, even if they still need the nutrition. This is more often the case with babies that use these products often. Try reducing artificial sucking time by offering the breast instead.
- The overt signs of a "nursing strike" and self-weaning are often very similar. Parents must analyze the possible reasons for refusal of the breast before attributing it to a natural weaning process. Babies often turn away from nursing if they are in pain, injured or ill. Check for injury, oral thrush, teething or ear infection. A change in the milk's taste due to a shift in the mother's diet or medication can cause some babies to refuse. A change in the mother's scent or a change in daily routines might also be the culprit. Some babies refuse to nurse after they have accidentally bitten their mother and she has reacted strongly. As babies rarely self-wean before 18 months, it is important to consider the possibility of a "nursing strike" and speak with a lactation expert before giving up.
- If a child is at least 1 year old, has a healthy relationship with her mother, easily accepts non-breastfeeding methods of comfort, is able to fall asleep without nursing and displays little anxiety if gently encouraged not to breastfeed, she may be self-weaning in a healthy manner. Emotional security and low anxiety over lack of the breast is an excellent sign a growing infant is ready to stop nursing.
Early Weaning
Distracted vs. Lack of Interest
Artificial Suckling vs. Weaning
Nursing Strike vs. Self-Weaning
Emotional Security