How to Be Social
1Introduce yourself to strangers or new people you have not met at gatherings. Don't sit and wait for someone to approach you. The more you do it, the better you get at breaking the ice. And once you get started, it gets easier.
Smile. When you smile, you look more approachable. Remember the other person might be feeling the same way as you. A friendly smile will go a long way to help both parties break the self conscious barrier.
Ask questions about the other person and be genuinely interested in him. Ask about his hobbies and look for common interests that you both can build a conversation on.
Try to remember names and address people by their names. It makes them feel that you are actually being genuine and interested in being friends.
Give compliments when you can. It's a great way to help someone feel god about themselves and open up to you.
Offer assistance if you see there's a need such as helping with serving food, getting a chair and so on.
Be yourself and avoid overanalyzing what you want to say.
Show enthusiasm, be positive and have fun making new friends.