Natural Depression Cure Works in Over 80% of the Population
So what is this natural depression cure anyway? Candida.
If you haven't heard of Candida before it is a fungal growth that exists in an estimated 80% of the population.
This fungus can cause a wide range or symptoms that can span from physical pain to mental problems with concentration to emotional issues like depression.
It is able to cause all these problems because it releases toxins in the body that cause the immune system to attack the body.
One of the toxins produced by Candida is called Acetaldehyde.
It is the same by product that is produced in the body when a person becomes drunk.
The Liver is able to detoxify only so much of it before it becomes overwhelmed.
When there is too much Acetaldehyde in the bloodstream an individual will feel as if they're slightly hung over, irritable and depressed as well.
It's no surprise alcohol is considered a depressant when it produces something like Acetaldehyde.
When Acetaldehyde is eliminated from the body people feel like they've woken up from day-dreaming or sleep-walking, it is a very powerful substance.
In order to eliminate the Acetaldehyde you need to eliminate its source which is Candida.
The source of Candida is fermentation, so to eliminate fermentation you must eliminate sugar, yeast and alcohol from your diet as all three will perpetuate Candida and prevent its resolution by creating fermentation and feeding Candida further.
A Candida diet is only one step though, you must also use some herbal anti-fungals and go one step beyond this by eliminating the factors that allowed Candida to exist in the first place.
There is always a root cause and once it is thoroughly eliminated you Candida overgrowth will vanish and so will your depression.
In fact when Candida is eliminated you will feel healthier than you ever have your entire life.
If you haven't heard of Candida before it is a fungal growth that exists in an estimated 80% of the population.
This fungus can cause a wide range or symptoms that can span from physical pain to mental problems with concentration to emotional issues like depression.
It is able to cause all these problems because it releases toxins in the body that cause the immune system to attack the body.
One of the toxins produced by Candida is called Acetaldehyde.
It is the same by product that is produced in the body when a person becomes drunk.
The Liver is able to detoxify only so much of it before it becomes overwhelmed.
When there is too much Acetaldehyde in the bloodstream an individual will feel as if they're slightly hung over, irritable and depressed as well.
It's no surprise alcohol is considered a depressant when it produces something like Acetaldehyde.
When Acetaldehyde is eliminated from the body people feel like they've woken up from day-dreaming or sleep-walking, it is a very powerful substance.
In order to eliminate the Acetaldehyde you need to eliminate its source which is Candida.
The source of Candida is fermentation, so to eliminate fermentation you must eliminate sugar, yeast and alcohol from your diet as all three will perpetuate Candida and prevent its resolution by creating fermentation and feeding Candida further.
A Candida diet is only one step though, you must also use some herbal anti-fungals and go one step beyond this by eliminating the factors that allowed Candida to exist in the first place.
There is always a root cause and once it is thoroughly eliminated you Candida overgrowth will vanish and so will your depression.
In fact when Candida is eliminated you will feel healthier than you ever have your entire life.