Delphi Programming Tips 205 - 208
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How to draw rotated text
This example creates a rotated font and displays it on the form by assigning the handle of the rotated to the Form’s Canvas Font via the Font’s Handle property.
Rotating fonts is a straightforward process, so long as the Windows Font Mapper can supply a rotated font based on the font you request. If you are using a TrueType font there is virtually no reason for failure.
lf: LOGFONT; // Windows native font structure
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; // set the brush style to transparent
FillChar(Addr(lf), SizeOf(lf), Byte(0)) ;
lf.lfHeight := 20;
lf.lfEscapement := 10 * 45; // degrees to rotate
lf.lfOrientation := 10 * 45;
lf.lfCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
StrCpy(lf.lfFaceName, 'Tahoma') ;
Canvas.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(Addr(lf)) ;
Canvas.TextOut(10, 100, 'Rotated text') ; // output the rotated font
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» How to determine the path to the users Application Data
« Display standard Windows Properties dialog
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- How to determine the path to the users Application Data
- Hiding the cursor from the screen
- How to merge strings in two TStringList's
- Hide caret (text cursor) "inside" TMemo component
How to draw rotated text
This example creates a rotated font and displays it on the form by assigning the handle of the rotated to the Form’s Canvas Font via the Font’s Handle property.
Rotating fonts is a straightforward process, so long as the Windows Font Mapper can supply a rotated font based on the font you request. If you are using a TrueType font there is virtually no reason for failure.
lf: LOGFONT; // Windows native font structure
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; // set the brush style to transparent
FillChar(Addr(lf), SizeOf(lf), Byte(0)) ;
lf.lfHeight := 20;
lf.lfEscapement := 10 * 45; // degrees to rotate
lf.lfOrientation := 10 * 45;
lf.lfCharSet := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
StrCpy(lf.lfFaceName, 'Tahoma') ;
Canvas.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(Addr(lf)) ;
Canvas.TextOut(10, 100, 'Rotated text') ; // output the rotated font
Delphi tips navigator:
» How to determine the path to the users Application Data
« Display standard Windows Properties dialog
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