"One Life to Live" Recap for Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Kelly gets carried into Todd's office over the shoulder of Todd's burly driver and is not happy (but looks great). She had been on her way to the airport. After some words, Todd calls her kidnapping 'friendly persuasion', then asks to be friends and offers her a generous salary and funding for her pet projects if she comes to work for him. Kelly rips up the offer. Then Kelly, trying to figure his angle, highlights her bad deeds, how she cheated on Kevin, slept with Max when he was with Blair, ran Blair off the road and caused her to lose her baby (Kelly was crying over Joey while driving and caused an accident in which the very pregnant Blair lost the baby she was having with Patrick Thornhart).
Kelly figures Todd is trying to stick it to Blair by hiring her. Todd admits to having some bones to pick with Blair, for her bringing Ross Rayburn to town and trying to break up his marriage, but admits he might not have known he had another daughter, because Tea was keeping this secret, had it not been for Blair.
Jessica wigs on Blair when she finds Blair hugging Cristian at school. Jessica tells Blair she is a too old for him and how just because Uncle Todd doesn't want her anymore... but Blair throws it back and tells Jess Cris doesn't want her either, it's 2010! Jess tells Blair Todd told her how Blair slept with every guy in town, and how she feels sorry for her. Cristian apologizes to Blair and Blair then leaves to let them talk. Jess keeps calling Cris her 'boyfriend' and is jealous Cris and Blair slept together. Jess wants to know all the others (Blair, Layla, Roseanne) and Cris has to tell her he was involved with her sister, and that they were married. Jess is upset Cris married her sister (my twin sister that doesn't even look like me?) and Cris has to tell Jess that she married his brother (Antonio).
After Jess hears about Sarah too (my cousin too???) she says she will never ever understand and then runs out of the classroom. Cris follows her.
Marty leaves a voice message for Cole as she knocks on the door of Llanfair, she is looking for Jessica, but ut oh, Natalie opens the door. Natalie has the need to apologize to Marty for assuming Marty had told John she was pregnant when she blurted it out to John herself. Natalie denies going through Marty's purse and blames finding the positive pregnancy test on Bree. Natalie calls it confusion. Marty covers her anger and tells her that John knows now and couldn't be happier. Natalie has to contain her jealousy and asks if there will be a wedding. Natalie says she knows she messed up by telling John before he knew from Marty and apologizes. Marty is gracious but then asks what else Nalatie is sorry for (could it be the fact Natalie is going after her man only days after her own husband Jared's death?) Natalie goes on to mention her chemistry with John, but how she respects the fact that John and Marty are having a baby. Natalie wants to talk about how she kissed John but that it won't happen again (how nice of her). Marty leaves Llanfair, and you can tell she is a little disgusted with Natalie.
After a parade, Bo and John, still in full police dress uniform, go to Rody's. Bo knows something is up with John and tries to get him to open up. John tells Bo that Marty is pregnant and Bo thinks John has an issue with it. Over beers, Bo offers encouragement and tells John how having kids is a great adventure and how fatherhood is the best job to ever have and then innocently asks when they are getting married. Bo is a natural father and tells John he will be a good one too, then offers to buy him a drink, the good stuff. Then they enjoy some Irish whiskey (it is St. Patricks day after all!!). Bo figures John is not telling the whole story as John remembers his kiss with Natalie.
Cole finds Hannah in her dorm room out cold and an empty large bottle of prescription pills. Cole helps her to get the pills out of her system. Hannah asks him to leave her alone. Cole says he won't leave until she tells him the truth if she took the pills on purpose. She cries on his shoulder. (She had left numerous messages for Ford but Ford ignored them.)
Langston is topless in a Ford's office when Markko knocks, but dresses quickly so when Markko opens the door he finds her standing there dressed. She acts very guilty and is missing a button off her shirt, so she lies about looking for a safety pin. Markko is clueless, gets his folder from her and tells her he loves her.
Starr is livid that Langston did indeed write the play about her life after she explicitly told Langston said she did not want her life made into a musical. Starr is more than upset and tells Danielle and then Blair. Dani reads the play and thinks its pretty good, but doesn't understand why Todd gets forgiven over and over. Starr admits it was not easy but 'he is her Dad'. Starr is super peeved and now knows Langston told Blair something secret. When Langston sees Starr, Starr throws the illegal script at her feet. Back in Ford's office, Markko seems to find Langston's missing button on the floor.
Just as Kelly turns down Todd's offer to not get in between him and Blair, guess who shows up? Blair!!!!!
Kelly figures Todd is trying to stick it to Blair by hiring her. Todd admits to having some bones to pick with Blair, for her bringing Ross Rayburn to town and trying to break up his marriage, but admits he might not have known he had another daughter, because Tea was keeping this secret, had it not been for Blair.
Jessica wigs on Blair when she finds Blair hugging Cristian at school. Jessica tells Blair she is a too old for him and how just because Uncle Todd doesn't want her anymore... but Blair throws it back and tells Jess Cris doesn't want her either, it's 2010! Jess tells Blair Todd told her how Blair slept with every guy in town, and how she feels sorry for her. Cristian apologizes to Blair and Blair then leaves to let them talk. Jess keeps calling Cris her 'boyfriend' and is jealous Cris and Blair slept together. Jess wants to know all the others (Blair, Layla, Roseanne) and Cris has to tell her he was involved with her sister, and that they were married. Jess is upset Cris married her sister (my twin sister that doesn't even look like me?) and Cris has to tell Jess that she married his brother (Antonio).
After Jess hears about Sarah too (my cousin too???) she says she will never ever understand and then runs out of the classroom. Cris follows her.
Marty leaves a voice message for Cole as she knocks on the door of Llanfair, she is looking for Jessica, but ut oh, Natalie opens the door. Natalie has the need to apologize to Marty for assuming Marty had told John she was pregnant when she blurted it out to John herself. Natalie denies going through Marty's purse and blames finding the positive pregnancy test on Bree. Natalie calls it confusion. Marty covers her anger and tells her that John knows now and couldn't be happier. Natalie has to contain her jealousy and asks if there will be a wedding. Natalie says she knows she messed up by telling John before he knew from Marty and apologizes. Marty is gracious but then asks what else Nalatie is sorry for (could it be the fact Natalie is going after her man only days after her own husband Jared's death?) Natalie goes on to mention her chemistry with John, but how she respects the fact that John and Marty are having a baby. Natalie wants to talk about how she kissed John but that it won't happen again (how nice of her). Marty leaves Llanfair, and you can tell she is a little disgusted with Natalie.
After a parade, Bo and John, still in full police dress uniform, go to Rody's. Bo knows something is up with John and tries to get him to open up. John tells Bo that Marty is pregnant and Bo thinks John has an issue with it. Over beers, Bo offers encouragement and tells John how having kids is a great adventure and how fatherhood is the best job to ever have and then innocently asks when they are getting married. Bo is a natural father and tells John he will be a good one too, then offers to buy him a drink, the good stuff. Then they enjoy some Irish whiskey (it is St. Patricks day after all!!). Bo figures John is not telling the whole story as John remembers his kiss with Natalie.
Cole finds Hannah in her dorm room out cold and an empty large bottle of prescription pills. Cole helps her to get the pills out of her system. Hannah asks him to leave her alone. Cole says he won't leave until she tells him the truth if she took the pills on purpose. She cries on his shoulder. (She had left numerous messages for Ford but Ford ignored them.)
Langston is topless in a Ford's office when Markko knocks, but dresses quickly so when Markko opens the door he finds her standing there dressed. She acts very guilty and is missing a button off her shirt, so she lies about looking for a safety pin. Markko is clueless, gets his folder from her and tells her he loves her.
Starr is livid that Langston did indeed write the play about her life after she explicitly told Langston said she did not want her life made into a musical. Starr is more than upset and tells Danielle and then Blair. Dani reads the play and thinks its pretty good, but doesn't understand why Todd gets forgiven over and over. Starr admits it was not easy but 'he is her Dad'. Starr is super peeved and now knows Langston told Blair something secret. When Langston sees Starr, Starr throws the illegal script at her feet. Back in Ford's office, Markko seems to find Langston's missing button on the floor.
Just as Kelly turns down Todd's offer to not get in between him and Blair, guess who shows up? Blair!!!!!