Likely Causes of an Air Handler Not Working
- Air conditioners require consistent care, or they won't serve you well.Pompe ?? chaleur image by mattmatt73 from
Air handlers require care and cleaning in order to function properly. If yours isn't functioning the way it should---if, in the summer you turn on the air conditioner only to find that your house or apartment is not getting any cooler, it may be time to check for problems in the handler. - Check the fans. According to Inspectapedia, if the fans have significant dirt and other types of debris on the blades, the air conditioner will not work well because the debris is blocking the flow of air into your house---if so, it is best to seek professional help to clean the system.
- Change the air handler filters. Change them every one or two months. If the filters have dirt and debris in them, they will not perform well.
- Leaks can be damaging to the unit as well. Water can make its way into the system and cause widespread damage to the wiring, which can be a hazard to the unit. It can also be a risk to your health, and your life as well. The risk of electric shock increases once the unit comes into contact with that water, and that water goes inside the electric unit.
- Mold present in the air handler can result in a reduction in air quality as the air the machine is blowing into your place---as well as your lungs---is already toxic, as a result of the toxins in the mold that has invaded the air handler. Mold is a living organism that grows. It is indicative of an HVAC system that you have not cared for in a while. Regular cleanings can prevent this from happening.
- If the cooling coil is not working properly, it will affect the air handler. If you have allowed ice or debris to build up on the coil, or if the mechanism itself has incurred damage, it will obstruct your flow and and reduce your air system output.
Inspect the coil from the incoming air side. If the damage to the coil is mild, leave the coil in place and use cleaning foam. If it is moderate, acquire professional help, which could cost a substantial amount of money. If the damage is extensive, however, replace the coil.
Dirty Handler Fans
Unchanged Filters
Malfunctioned Evaporator Coil