Acting With Style, Acting With Success.
Every movie lover has though at one point in his or her life of how it will be to appear on the big screen. Movie actors are well known and loved by millions of people, not to mention that they earn a lot of money. Fame and wealth are temptations for every young actor, but the road to the top is not an easy one. If you want to be a big Hollywood actor you will need talent and dedication.
Everyone has to start somewhere and if you will end up playing minor roles in bad movies, don't be discouraged! That's how the road to stardom starts. If you can pull yourself together and do your best, you will get noticed and better roles will be available for you.
For starters, you should at least get a role in a movie. There are many auditions for movies in 2013 and you will surely find something that suits you. Do a little research and see what you can find. 2013 is the year of the big productions and many important directors will be holding open auditions. You shouldn't overlook the low budget independent movies, though. I can name a lot of low budget films who rocked the box office! Go to auditions for movie you think will suit your style and overall personality.
It is a common myth that all actors need to be beautiful. That's not entirely true. The casting directors for a good movie will look beyond physical appearance and will judge you based on the acting skill you posses. Through acting a person can look beautiful, ugly, mad or funny. That's the whole point of being an actor: pretending that you are someone else. And in order to do this properly you will need more than just raw talent. You will need to have a technique and most importantly you will need confidence, attitude, but I think the word I'm looking for is style. Look at all the famous good actors. What do they have that makes them so unique that defines their whole way of acting? It is style. Marlon Brando didn't have perfect diction, but he had style. Steve Buscemi is not a very handsome man, but again he has style.
So when you will be at an audition, about to give your performance make sure you do it your way; in a personal way. Make the casting directors feel every line you are saying. In short act with style and you will surely get to be big!
Everyone has to start somewhere and if you will end up playing minor roles in bad movies, don't be discouraged! That's how the road to stardom starts. If you can pull yourself together and do your best, you will get noticed and better roles will be available for you.
For starters, you should at least get a role in a movie. There are many auditions for movies in 2013 and you will surely find something that suits you. Do a little research and see what you can find. 2013 is the year of the big productions and many important directors will be holding open auditions. You shouldn't overlook the low budget independent movies, though. I can name a lot of low budget films who rocked the box office! Go to auditions for movie you think will suit your style and overall personality.
It is a common myth that all actors need to be beautiful. That's not entirely true. The casting directors for a good movie will look beyond physical appearance and will judge you based on the acting skill you posses. Through acting a person can look beautiful, ugly, mad or funny. That's the whole point of being an actor: pretending that you are someone else. And in order to do this properly you will need more than just raw talent. You will need to have a technique and most importantly you will need confidence, attitude, but I think the word I'm looking for is style. Look at all the famous good actors. What do they have that makes them so unique that defines their whole way of acting? It is style. Marlon Brando didn't have perfect diction, but he had style. Steve Buscemi is not a very handsome man, but again he has style.
So when you will be at an audition, about to give your performance make sure you do it your way; in a personal way. Make the casting directors feel every line you are saying. In short act with style and you will surely get to be big!