Can You Replace Rotted Logs With Stone or Brick Siding?
- Snow accumulation and water splashed against the logs from rain can cause extensive foundation damage. Shrubs and plants that trap moisture against the logs should be removed. Contact a log home professional for a detailed evaluation and estimate of damage repair. If the bottom logs of the home are rotted to the point that the structural integrity of the building is threatened, the restoration company may suggest removing and replacing the bottom logs with a stone or brick foundation.
- Repair any damage above the foundation line. Small areas of dry rot should be chipped out and the damaged area filled with epoxy. If required, sections of damaged logs are removed with a saber saw, new logs cut and fit into place. The replacement logs are bolted to adjoining logs with a metal plate and 2 inch wood screws. Replace caulking as required. Reseal the logs with a petroleum based wood preservative such as shingle oil.
- If foundation repair or replacement is required, a log home restoration specialist will have special jacks to lift the home off its foundation. The damaged lower logs are removed and a new timber frame foundation is constructed to support the structure. Once the new foundation is built and bolted into place, the home is lowered and reattached to the timber foundation. The foundation is then faced with rock or brick.
Evaluate The Damage
Clean & Preserve
Special Equipment Required