Fun on the Autobahn
- Despite rumors to the contrary, there are speed limits posted on parts of the Autobahn. In places where there are sharp curves or areas where heavy traffic is typical, posted limits may be between 50 mph and 80 mph. The rest of the Autobahn is a free-for-all, with a "suggested" speed of 81 mph. The many BMWs and Porsches on the road will be traveling much, much faster. Stay out of the left-hand lane unless you are driving considerably faster than the recommended 81 mph, and be prepared to move over to the right when necessary.
If you are involved in an accident and were exceeding the suggested speed limit, you may be held responsible for damages, even if you did not cause the accident. - Do not pass on the right; it is illegal and extremely dangerous.
It is illegal to run out of gas on the Autobahn; fill your car with fuel before getting on the road. It is both safer and much more fun to complete your trip without worrying about fuel levels.
When entering the Autobahn, you must yield to traffic. There are long acceleration lanes to ensure that you will be up to speed by the time you merge.
If you encounter a traffic jam, it is the law for cars in the left lane to move as far to the left as possible. The cars in the middle, or right-hand lane should move as far to the right as possible. This creates a space between the two lanes for emergency vehicles. When approaching a traffic jam, engage your hazard blinkers to make cars coming up behind you aware that you are slowing or stopping. While this is not the law, it is general practice on the Autobahn. - Automated signs help slow traffic when there is an accident or traffic jam ahead. You may see notifications of road work, ice or snow, or traffic congestion. At times you will also see a temporary speed limit posted. A study conducted three years after installation of automated signs showed a 30 percent drop in accidents.
Drivers on the Autobahn engage in only one activity: driving. Do not eat, fiddle with the radio, talk or text on your cellphone or rifle through the contents of your glove box or purse while speeding along at 100 mph. This is not only dangerous, but irresponsible.
Speed Limit
Laws on the Autobahn
Avoiding Accidents