Beavis and Butthead Do Copywriting
Can Beavis & Butthead make you better at copywriting? I believe so.
They did for me, at least.
In fact, each and every episode contains a powerful copywriting secret you can use to make your ads FAR more likely to be read, understood and BOUGHT from.
Here's the story: About 14 years ago, just after I graduated high school, I took a job at Office Max.
I often worked late, and didn't get out until about 10 pm or so.
So I'd go home, flip on the boob-toob and, lo and behold, the only thing I felt like watching was...
you guessed it...
Beavis & Butthead.
Now, if you've never seen Beavis & Butthead, let's just say it's "raunchy".
Not NEARLY as raunchy as some of today's cartoons (it's no "South Park").
But it was still a pretty raunchy show for its time.
but oh SO entertaining.
Anyway, so I'd watch the show and, like most people who watched it, would find myself sometimes quoting the show.
As they would make up such colorful words to insult each other: Dill hole, butt munch, monkey spank, etc -- and the list goes on.
There was never one intelligent word spoken.
Never anything to increase your IQ.
Certainly never anything you'd ever get confused about.
And you know what? Strange as it sounds, I've sorta "recruited" Beavis & Butthead to help me write better ads since.
Because whenever I write an ad (depending on the market), in order to make sure my ads are 100% crystal clear to read, digest and respond to...
I tend to ask: "Would Beavis & Butthead get what I'm saying here?" "Would they understand this word?" "Could they grasp that I want them to click on this link to order?" And so on, and so forth.
Hey, it may sound stupid (let's face it, it IS stupid).
But it works like gangbusters to make ads clear and easy to read.
Maybe you've heard the statistics about how the average person (at least here in the US) reads at a 5th grade level.
And that's why, when writing ads, that's the level to write at.
But I say take it a step further and write at the "Beavis & Butthead level.
" If THEY can understand it, ANYONE can.
And the easier your ads are to read, the more money you'll almost always make.
They did for me, at least.
In fact, each and every episode contains a powerful copywriting secret you can use to make your ads FAR more likely to be read, understood and BOUGHT from.
Here's the story: About 14 years ago, just after I graduated high school, I took a job at Office Max.
I often worked late, and didn't get out until about 10 pm or so.
So I'd go home, flip on the boob-toob and, lo and behold, the only thing I felt like watching was...
you guessed it...
Beavis & Butthead.
Now, if you've never seen Beavis & Butthead, let's just say it's "raunchy".
Not NEARLY as raunchy as some of today's cartoons (it's no "South Park").
But it was still a pretty raunchy show for its time.
but oh SO entertaining.
Anyway, so I'd watch the show and, like most people who watched it, would find myself sometimes quoting the show.
As they would make up such colorful words to insult each other: Dill hole, butt munch, monkey spank, etc -- and the list goes on.
There was never one intelligent word spoken.
Never anything to increase your IQ.
Certainly never anything you'd ever get confused about.
And you know what? Strange as it sounds, I've sorta "recruited" Beavis & Butthead to help me write better ads since.
Because whenever I write an ad (depending on the market), in order to make sure my ads are 100% crystal clear to read, digest and respond to...
I tend to ask: "Would Beavis & Butthead get what I'm saying here?" "Would they understand this word?" "Could they grasp that I want them to click on this link to order?" And so on, and so forth.
Hey, it may sound stupid (let's face it, it IS stupid).
But it works like gangbusters to make ads clear and easy to read.
Maybe you've heard the statistics about how the average person (at least here in the US) reads at a 5th grade level.
And that's why, when writing ads, that's the level to write at.
But I say take it a step further and write at the "Beavis & Butthead level.
" If THEY can understand it, ANYONE can.
And the easier your ads are to read, the more money you'll almost always make.