The Star Wars Stories Need to End
Before the hate mail comes flying in, let me clearly state that I love Star Wars.
The 1977 film is my favorite movie of all time and I even loved the prequels.
Sure, they had their problems, but overall they were fun to watch and I've spent a lot of time defending them.
But the point of this article is to say that George Lucas needs to let it go.
We had the prequels, the animated movie, the cartoon and now maybe even a live action TV show.
Didn't Lucas learn anything with the Star Wars Holiday Special? Star Wars on TV doesn't work.
As the past few years have rolled on, it gets harder and harder to defend Lucas.
At first, I justified the marketing tie-ins with the new movies as a way to generate revenue and promote the films.
But the films came and went and the merchandising is still crazy.
Did you know that you can still buy Star Wars shampoo? There's a whole toy section at Wal-Mart dedicated to Star Wars toys.
The merchandising is almost as rampant today as it was several years ago.
But the thing that's bugging me about Star Wars nowadays is talk of the live action TV show.
Supposedly, it's going to take place between Episode 3 and 4, but it won't feature any of the characters we've grown to love.
On one hand, I'm glad he's not going to be ruining Han Solo, but on the other hand, I'm wondering how he expects a show without recognizable characters to be successful.
We don't want to be introduced to a whole new slew of characters, we want to follow the old characters.
No, scratch that; we don't want to watch anything except the DVD's of the films we already have.
While we're on the subject, what about the events after Episode 6? We have about 100 books chronicling the further adventures of Luke, Leia, Han and the rest of the gang.
How about a movie or TV show featuring Han and Leia's twins? If they're going to insist on continuing the Star Wars saga, at least give us something interesting.
Watching twin Jedis run through the galaxy fighting bad guys sounds like a good time to me.
Overall, we've had Star Wars propaganda jammed down our throats for the past 12 years or so.
I was down with the release of the original trilogy and I was excited for the prequel trilogy.
But that's where it stops.
I've had enough of the Star Wars universe and I'd rather them spend their time and money on a Blu-ray release and let the TV show die in development.
The 1977 film is my favorite movie of all time and I even loved the prequels.
Sure, they had their problems, but overall they were fun to watch and I've spent a lot of time defending them.
But the point of this article is to say that George Lucas needs to let it go.
We had the prequels, the animated movie, the cartoon and now maybe even a live action TV show.
Didn't Lucas learn anything with the Star Wars Holiday Special? Star Wars on TV doesn't work.
As the past few years have rolled on, it gets harder and harder to defend Lucas.
At first, I justified the marketing tie-ins with the new movies as a way to generate revenue and promote the films.
But the films came and went and the merchandising is still crazy.
Did you know that you can still buy Star Wars shampoo? There's a whole toy section at Wal-Mart dedicated to Star Wars toys.
The merchandising is almost as rampant today as it was several years ago.
But the thing that's bugging me about Star Wars nowadays is talk of the live action TV show.
Supposedly, it's going to take place between Episode 3 and 4, but it won't feature any of the characters we've grown to love.
On one hand, I'm glad he's not going to be ruining Han Solo, but on the other hand, I'm wondering how he expects a show without recognizable characters to be successful.
We don't want to be introduced to a whole new slew of characters, we want to follow the old characters.
No, scratch that; we don't want to watch anything except the DVD's of the films we already have.
While we're on the subject, what about the events after Episode 6? We have about 100 books chronicling the further adventures of Luke, Leia, Han and the rest of the gang.
How about a movie or TV show featuring Han and Leia's twins? If they're going to insist on continuing the Star Wars saga, at least give us something interesting.
Watching twin Jedis run through the galaxy fighting bad guys sounds like a good time to me.
Overall, we've had Star Wars propaganda jammed down our throats for the past 12 years or so.
I was down with the release of the original trilogy and I was excited for the prequel trilogy.
But that's where it stops.
I've had enough of the Star Wars universe and I'd rather them spend their time and money on a Blu-ray release and let the TV show die in development.