Make Cash on the Internet, But Don"t Try Too Hard!
If you want to make cash on the internet, you should begin with asking yourself what your motivation is...
Are you making as much online as you'd like to make? If the answer is no, you're not alone.
Every day, thousands of people are looking for the "gold rush" of online income, only to find out that the harder they work, the worse it gets.
Because after several attempts of trying your hardest to make cash on the internet, you feel like a failure...
Most of us have been brought up to believe that achieving goals just has to do with having enough willpower.
Just set your goal and make it happen, right? The problem with that is it usually doesn't work, and here's why...
Recent studies have shown that willpower is not the magic bullet that everyone thinks it is.
In fact, it's a very limited resource that quickly runs out.
The revealing experiment was conducted where students were presented with two bowls, one with warm, fresh cookies, and the other with cold radishes.
The group that was told to eat only the radishes and ignore the cookies had to use a tremendous amount of willpower.
Another group was told to ignore the radishes and eat the cookies..
No problem! Then both groups were instructed to complete a difficult puzzle.
The interesting result revealed that the group who was forced to use their willpower not to eat the cookies gave up on the puzzle more quickly.
Over 200 other studies have been conducted, and they all came up with the same conclusion: willpower is a very limited resource and it quickly runs out.
(This is also why most diets don't work!) And, this is also the reason why so many people give up on attempting to learn how to make cash on the internet! Trying to force yourself to take action is actually a terrible way to bring online business success! So if willpower isn't the answer to making cash on the internet, what is? My suggesting is to replace your willpower with "want power".
Here are some suggestions of how to get that going...
Make a "Vision Video" to keep you inspired...
Make a "vision video" to watch every day where you can see all the joys in your life flash before you to remind you of why you're even looking to make cash on the internet.
You'll find that when you change your focus to what you really want, an interesting thing starts to happen...
you feel an intense desire inside you.
Studies have shown that people are motivated more from fear than pleasure, and this is because the fear is usually more prominent in your mind...
"What if that person hangs up on me?'...
"What if I spend $500 on this ppc ad and I don't get any leads?"...
Putting these kinds of negative thoughts in your head is a sure way NOT to make cash on the internet! So instead, keep you focus on the all the reasons why you must make cash on the internet, and you'll gradually find that the focus shifts.
Although I am an advocate of "The Secret" which promotes the idea of positive thinking, in reality, it takes more than just "positive thinking" to build your dream.
The trick is to adjust your focus to the point where that's all you're thinking about.
Because the real formula is wishful thinking = positive focus, and that intense positive focus = massive action.
When you get to the point where you really want to make cash on the internet with all your heart and soul, then nothing can stop you! It's taking massive action that breeds true results, but the only way to really take massive action and not give up (which is what most people wind up doing), is to keep your "want power" higher than your fears.
In addition, you must eliminate procrastination that is robbing you of the online business success you deserve...
Procrastination occurs when your brain has a "tug of war", and there's just as much reason to spend time at another obligation is there is to reach your goal.
So how can you combat the tug of war in your brain to make cash on the internet? Make a list of all the things you would like to see different in your life when you achieve success in making cash on the internet.
The more reasons you have on the "cash" side of your brain, the more weight you'll pull in preventing procrastination.
Now look at the list you just created and start reading, "I can quit my day job", "I can send my daughter to a good college", "I can put my mother in a good senior facility", "I can go on a vacation with my family"...
these things will keep you from that procrastination! So how in the heck can you find that "long term fuel" that will keep you going to make cash on the internet? Here's how to tap into an endless supply of drive and motivation to ensure online business success...
I listen daily to inner circle audio recordings made by real live online marketing gurus who have succeeded beyond a shadow of a doubt in making cash on the internet.
You'd think that it's the "tactics" to use that is the real secret to making cash on the internet...
but in reality, it has to do with staying motivated and inspired on a daily basis so you don't give up.
Are you making as much online as you'd like to make? If the answer is no, you're not alone.
Every day, thousands of people are looking for the "gold rush" of online income, only to find out that the harder they work, the worse it gets.
Because after several attempts of trying your hardest to make cash on the internet, you feel like a failure...
Most of us have been brought up to believe that achieving goals just has to do with having enough willpower.
Just set your goal and make it happen, right? The problem with that is it usually doesn't work, and here's why...
Recent studies have shown that willpower is not the magic bullet that everyone thinks it is.
In fact, it's a very limited resource that quickly runs out.
The revealing experiment was conducted where students were presented with two bowls, one with warm, fresh cookies, and the other with cold radishes.
The group that was told to eat only the radishes and ignore the cookies had to use a tremendous amount of willpower.
Another group was told to ignore the radishes and eat the cookies..
No problem! Then both groups were instructed to complete a difficult puzzle.
The interesting result revealed that the group who was forced to use their willpower not to eat the cookies gave up on the puzzle more quickly.
Over 200 other studies have been conducted, and they all came up with the same conclusion: willpower is a very limited resource and it quickly runs out.
(This is also why most diets don't work!) And, this is also the reason why so many people give up on attempting to learn how to make cash on the internet! Trying to force yourself to take action is actually a terrible way to bring online business success! So if willpower isn't the answer to making cash on the internet, what is? My suggesting is to replace your willpower with "want power".
Here are some suggestions of how to get that going...
Make a "Vision Video" to keep you inspired...
Make a "vision video" to watch every day where you can see all the joys in your life flash before you to remind you of why you're even looking to make cash on the internet.
You'll find that when you change your focus to what you really want, an interesting thing starts to happen...
you feel an intense desire inside you.
Studies have shown that people are motivated more from fear than pleasure, and this is because the fear is usually more prominent in your mind...
"What if that person hangs up on me?'...
"What if I spend $500 on this ppc ad and I don't get any leads?"...
Putting these kinds of negative thoughts in your head is a sure way NOT to make cash on the internet! So instead, keep you focus on the all the reasons why you must make cash on the internet, and you'll gradually find that the focus shifts.
Although I am an advocate of "The Secret" which promotes the idea of positive thinking, in reality, it takes more than just "positive thinking" to build your dream.
The trick is to adjust your focus to the point where that's all you're thinking about.
Because the real formula is wishful thinking = positive focus, and that intense positive focus = massive action.
When you get to the point where you really want to make cash on the internet with all your heart and soul, then nothing can stop you! It's taking massive action that breeds true results, but the only way to really take massive action and not give up (which is what most people wind up doing), is to keep your "want power" higher than your fears.
In addition, you must eliminate procrastination that is robbing you of the online business success you deserve...
Procrastination occurs when your brain has a "tug of war", and there's just as much reason to spend time at another obligation is there is to reach your goal.
So how can you combat the tug of war in your brain to make cash on the internet? Make a list of all the things you would like to see different in your life when you achieve success in making cash on the internet.
The more reasons you have on the "cash" side of your brain, the more weight you'll pull in preventing procrastination.
Now look at the list you just created and start reading, "I can quit my day job", "I can send my daughter to a good college", "I can put my mother in a good senior facility", "I can go on a vacation with my family"...
these things will keep you from that procrastination! So how in the heck can you find that "long term fuel" that will keep you going to make cash on the internet? Here's how to tap into an endless supply of drive and motivation to ensure online business success...
I listen daily to inner circle audio recordings made by real live online marketing gurus who have succeeded beyond a shadow of a doubt in making cash on the internet.
You'd think that it's the "tactics" to use that is the real secret to making cash on the internet...
but in reality, it has to do with staying motivated and inspired on a daily basis so you don't give up.