How to Troubleshoot a Palm Stylus
- 1). Check the point of the stylus. Very few stylus pens have a sharp point at the end, instead having a flat edge. If this edge is cracked your Palm device may not be registering the full press of the stylus. This can be remedied by taking a knife or some other kind of sander and evening out the stylus tip.
- 2). Ensure the tip isn't jammed. Other Palm stylus pens have a tip that receeds into the pen shaft to register that it is being pressed. If something is preventing the pen tip from sliding into the body, like a crumb, your presses will not register on the device.
- 3). Adjust the pressure you strike the Palm device with. Sometimes pressing the screen too softly (or too hard) can effect the stylus pen's ability to register on the device.
- 4). Examine the Palm device. At the end of the day, a stylus is little more than a stick. If you are having problems with the stylus, odds are the issue is with the device and not the pen.