How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally - 2 Tips For A Healthier Life
The reason you want to know how to lower blood pressure naturally is because you're fed up with the idea of being on blood pressure medication for the rest of your life right? Either you have experienced or you are afraid that you will experience the side effects of those drugs and the ongoing cost isn't doing your budget any good either.
The methods used to lower blood pressure naturally are...well they're natural. It's not rocket science it's simply common sense but we are always amazed how we tend not to follow common sense.
Look, the reason you have high blood pressure is because you've been on a lousy fat drenched, salt laden diet for most of your life. It's not your fault that's simply the way we eat in the West. A hundred years ago it didn't matter so much because most of us earned a living doing physical labor and all that bad stuff was mostly burned off in the process. Today however, we lead much more sedentary lives and all that junk is not flushed out. It's in our blood vessels creating oxidation that creates plaque, or stiffening our arteries, or damaging our kidneys.
The biggest thing you can do to lower pressure naturally [] is start eating fresh and nutritious food. Actually you don't even have to do that. You simply have to cut out the junk fast food and limit restaurant meals to special occasions. Many of us eat out twice a day, breakfast and lunch, and its that food which is just loaded with saturated fat and salt. Replacing that with even microwave meals from home, not really healthy food, will cause less damage than that Big Mac.
The American Heart Association recommends following the DASH diet to control and reverse elevated pressure. In reality, every little thing you do helps, you don't have to make big changes all at once. In fact making small changes increases your chances of sticking to them.
The fastest natural way to lower blood pressure is to do daily aerobic exercise. You can shave up to 4 points off your systolic and 2.5 points off your diastolic pressure with 30 minutes of daily walking. There are obviously other benefits to exercise not the least of which is losing weight. So now you know how to lower blood pressure naturally using two common sense approaches. Take the time to learn the rest of the story. Your heart will thank you.
The methods used to lower blood pressure naturally are...well they're natural. It's not rocket science it's simply common sense but we are always amazed how we tend not to follow common sense.
Look, the reason you have high blood pressure is because you've been on a lousy fat drenched, salt laden diet for most of your life. It's not your fault that's simply the way we eat in the West. A hundred years ago it didn't matter so much because most of us earned a living doing physical labor and all that bad stuff was mostly burned off in the process. Today however, we lead much more sedentary lives and all that junk is not flushed out. It's in our blood vessels creating oxidation that creates plaque, or stiffening our arteries, or damaging our kidneys.
The biggest thing you can do to lower pressure naturally [] is start eating fresh and nutritious food. Actually you don't even have to do that. You simply have to cut out the junk fast food and limit restaurant meals to special occasions. Many of us eat out twice a day, breakfast and lunch, and its that food which is just loaded with saturated fat and salt. Replacing that with even microwave meals from home, not really healthy food, will cause less damage than that Big Mac.
The American Heart Association recommends following the DASH diet to control and reverse elevated pressure. In reality, every little thing you do helps, you don't have to make big changes all at once. In fact making small changes increases your chances of sticking to them.
The fastest natural way to lower blood pressure is to do daily aerobic exercise. You can shave up to 4 points off your systolic and 2.5 points off your diastolic pressure with 30 minutes of daily walking. There are obviously other benefits to exercise not the least of which is losing weight. So now you know how to lower blood pressure naturally using two common sense approaches. Take the time to learn the rest of the story. Your heart will thank you.