Requirements to Provide Tax ID Numbers
- There are five different TIN types: Social Security Numbers (SSNs) are issued to individuals; Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) are issued to businesses; Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs) are issued to individuals; Taxpayer Identification Numbers for Pending U.S. Adoptions (ATINs) are issued to children in the process of being adopted and Preparer Taxpayer Identification Numbers (PTINs) are issued to paid tax preparers. All TINs are assigned by the Internal Revenue Service except for Social Security Numbers, which are issued by the Social Security Administration.
- Social Security Numbers were first issued in 1936 as a number to identify an individual in the Social Security system. Today, the number has become a national identifier, and you are required to provide it in a variety of situations. You must provide your Social Security Number on your federal and state tax returns and to apply for government benefits such as food stamps or Medicaid. SSNs must be given for children to enroll them in public school and are also required by financial institutions to extend credit and open bank accounts.
- Employers Identification Numbers are assigned to businesses, including sole proprietorships, and organizations. The IRS requires nearly every business and organization to get an EIN and to use it to report income taxes. EINs are often required to register businesses with states. For example, if you want to register a Limited Liability Company in Florida you are required to furnish an EIN. Businesses will also need to provide their EIN in order to obtain business licenses and obtain business credit.
- An ITIN is a taxpayer identification number issued by the IRS to individuals who are not eligible to receive a Social Security Number. ITINs don't necessarily mean that the holder is an illegal immigrant --- many legal immigrants are not eligible for SSNs, including spouses of temporary workers. The only requirement for providing an ITIN is to include the number on your federal tax return. The ITIN cannot be used for any other purpose.
Types of TIN
Social Security Number
Employer Identification Numbers
Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers