The Hearing Center And Your Problem
At some point everyone experiences some sort of hearing loss.
If this is you, contact your local hearing center so that you can have it checked by an audiologist.
There are several things that can cause you to lose your hearing, such as naturally growing older, constant exposure to loud noises, and various other factors that can contribute to your problem.
Fixing the problem can be as easy as removing blockages of the outer ear.
These blockages are usually caused by the natural development of earwax, otherwise known as cerumen.
The audiologist at your hearing center can remove it with special instruments or recommend some home remedies.
You should never put anything in the ear, such as cotton swabs, to remove it.
There are other problems of the outer ear that affect hearing, such as infections, foreign objects, injuries, birth defects, or some type of growth in the canal.
These are all problems that can be corrected.
Problems in the outer ear are not the only thing that can cause hearing loss, but problems in the middle as well.
Some of the things that can cause hearing loss in the middle ear are ear infections, which cause swelling and fluid buildup, in turn causing the ears to work improperly, resulting in hearing loss.
These are usually treated with antibiotics and should be treated promptly because permanent damage could result.
If these are chronic, it may result in getting tubes in the ears to relieve the infections and pressure.
There is also otosclerosis, which is a genetic condition where an extra bone grows in the inner ear, so sound does not transmit properly.
This condition can be fixed by surgery to remove that extra bone.
This should result in the return of normal hearing.
Birth defects and tumors also often result in conductive hearing loss.
Both are usually solved through surgery and result in the restoration of normal hearing.
Not only are the outer ear and middle ear affected, but problems in the inner ear can also cause hearing loss.
These include presbycusis, which is the natural process of aging.
It is not reversible, but can be helped through the use of hearing aids.
Fistula, which is caused by fluid leaking in the ear, is usually caused by head trauma or a change in air pressure.
It is usually fixed by surgically repairing the fistula.
Another thing that causes hearing loss in the inner ear is Meniere's syndrome.
As air pressure fluctuates, it causes constant ringing and hearing loss.
It is usually caused by swelling and excess fluid in the inner ear.
The most common type of hearing loss is excess noise.
This is usually caused by a noisy work place, the use of power tools, gunfire, and the constant use of earphones to transmit music and can be prevented by using sound reducing head phones whenever possible.
Neural problems, multiple sclerosis, and toxins getting into the blood stream are some other things that may cause hearing loss.
If you are showing symptoms of a hearing problem, your hearing center can help you learn what is causing it and give you options for treatment so that you can have your normal hearing restored.
If this is you, contact your local hearing center so that you can have it checked by an audiologist.
There are several things that can cause you to lose your hearing, such as naturally growing older, constant exposure to loud noises, and various other factors that can contribute to your problem.
Fixing the problem can be as easy as removing blockages of the outer ear.
These blockages are usually caused by the natural development of earwax, otherwise known as cerumen.
The audiologist at your hearing center can remove it with special instruments or recommend some home remedies.
You should never put anything in the ear, such as cotton swabs, to remove it.
There are other problems of the outer ear that affect hearing, such as infections, foreign objects, injuries, birth defects, or some type of growth in the canal.
These are all problems that can be corrected.
Problems in the outer ear are not the only thing that can cause hearing loss, but problems in the middle as well.
Some of the things that can cause hearing loss in the middle ear are ear infections, which cause swelling and fluid buildup, in turn causing the ears to work improperly, resulting in hearing loss.
These are usually treated with antibiotics and should be treated promptly because permanent damage could result.
If these are chronic, it may result in getting tubes in the ears to relieve the infections and pressure.
There is also otosclerosis, which is a genetic condition where an extra bone grows in the inner ear, so sound does not transmit properly.
This condition can be fixed by surgery to remove that extra bone.
This should result in the return of normal hearing.
Birth defects and tumors also often result in conductive hearing loss.
Both are usually solved through surgery and result in the restoration of normal hearing.
Not only are the outer ear and middle ear affected, but problems in the inner ear can also cause hearing loss.
These include presbycusis, which is the natural process of aging.
It is not reversible, but can be helped through the use of hearing aids.
Fistula, which is caused by fluid leaking in the ear, is usually caused by head trauma or a change in air pressure.
It is usually fixed by surgically repairing the fistula.
Another thing that causes hearing loss in the inner ear is Meniere's syndrome.
As air pressure fluctuates, it causes constant ringing and hearing loss.
It is usually caused by swelling and excess fluid in the inner ear.
The most common type of hearing loss is excess noise.
This is usually caused by a noisy work place, the use of power tools, gunfire, and the constant use of earphones to transmit music and can be prevented by using sound reducing head phones whenever possible.
Neural problems, multiple sclerosis, and toxins getting into the blood stream are some other things that may cause hearing loss.
If you are showing symptoms of a hearing problem, your hearing center can help you learn what is causing it and give you options for treatment so that you can have your normal hearing restored.